A.   Residency: Police officers shall establish residency in Illinois upon their starting date with the City Police Department.
   B.   Starting Salary: The starting salary for a police officer shall be equal to ninety percent (90%) of the salary paid to a police officer with one year of experience. However, any applicants who have completed three (3) or more years of full time employment as a police officer shall be hired at a salary equal to the salary paid to a police officer with three (3) years' experience.
   C.   College Requirement: An applicant for the position of police officer shall have sixty (60) hours of college credit from an accredited college or university at the time the application is submitted. This requirement is subject to the exceptions contained in subsections D, E and F of this section.
   D.   Previous Full Time Officer: The college requirement is waived if the applicant has previously completed two (2) years as a full time police officer with another department. (Ord. O-23-2000, 7-17-2000)
   E.   Part Time Eligibility: Part time police officers and community service officers who have been employed by the Northlake Police Department for six (6) months or who have six hundred (600) hours of work with the Northlake Police Department are eligible to have the college requirement waived upon the recommendation of the Police Chief. (Ord. O-15-2003, 4-21-2003)
   F.   Military Preference: The college requirement is waived for those applicants having two (2) years of full time military service and an honorable discharge.
   G.   Age: An applicant must be twenty one (21) years of age at the time of submitting an application, and must be no more than thirty five (35) years of age at the time of hiring.
   H.   Employment Contract: Police officers must sign an employment contract of the City upon receipt of a conditional offer of employment.
   I.   Extra Points: A total of five (5) extra points shall be awarded to applicants to be added to their final point total on officer eligibility list for any of the following:
Two (2) year criminal justice degree.
Bachelor degree, any field.
Completion of two (2) years of full time employment as a police officer.
Six hundred (600) hours completed as a part time officer for the Northlake Police Department. (Ord. O-23-2000, 7-17-2000)