(a) The purchase of lots shall be arranged through the Board of Cemetery Trustees or its authorized representative, who will show the lots which are for sale.
(b) When a section of the cemetery has been platted and prepared for sale, the price of lots as fixed by the cemetery authorities shall be shown on the plats, and no special price below such established rate will be allowed.
(c) The deed to a lot conveys only burial rights; the title to the land remains in the Village.
(d) In general, all lot sales are for cash and the bill is payable at the time of purchase.
(e) Single graves shall be sold for cash, payable before the interment is made.
(f) No monument or marker of any kind, nor any foundation, shall be erected upon any lot until the purchase price of the lot is fully paid.
(g) As the deed to a lot conveys only the right of burial therein, the cemetery authorities retain control and supervision of all lots which have been sold. The Board or its designee shall enter upon any lot and prohibit, modify or remove any structure, object, adornment or improvements on such lot which may have been placed thereon in violation of cemetery rules or which may be considered, in the Board's judgment, to be objectionable or injurious to the lot, to adjoining lots or to the general appearance of the cemetery.
(Ord. 1024. Passed 6-22-72.)