(a)    The number of interments which may be properly made on a lot shall be definitely fixed at the time of purchase, and no more will be permitted. In order that uniformity may be sustained, the Board of Cemetery Trustees will determine the location of graves on a lot.
   (b)    Only one body will be allowed in a grave except by special permission of cemetery authorities.
   (c)    Interments on Sundays or general holidays are not permitted, except when ordered by the Board of Health. No interment may be made unless the body is accompanied by a burial permit (usually procured by the undertaker).
   (d)    No body except that of a human being may be interred in the cemetery.
   (e)    Concrete vaults are the only type permitted in Eastlake Cemetery.
   (f)    Except in the case of an emergency, thirty-six hours notice, excluding Sundays and holidays, is required for the preparation of a grave.
   (g)    Interment charges are due and payable when the order is given and include opening and closing of the grave only.
   (h)    All funeral processions within the cemetery will be under the exclusive control of the Board of Cemetery Trustees or its agents.
(Ord. 1024. Passed 6-22-72.)