(a)    No monument or headstone shall be set without a foundation first being made. Foundations shall be furnished flush with the ground level in all parts of the cemetery.
   (b)    Foundations for all monuments and markers shall be at least four feet deep.
   (c)    Due to the additional work of preparing for Memorial Day, orders for foundations may be refused after May 1.
   (d)    All foundations shall have the approval of the Board of Cemetery Trustees.
(Ord. 1024. Passed 6-22-72.)
   (e)    Foundations will be poured when the Cemetery Sexton has eight or more to pour.
(Res. R-98-045. Passed 10-21-98.)
   (f)   Every grave site shall be limited to one (1) foundation.
(Ord. 0-15-084. Passed 12-16-15.)