(a)    A permit is required before installation of culvert pipe.
   (b)    Frontage to be tiled is at the expense of the property owner.
   (c)    The property owner may furnish plastic or concrete pipe and must have the approval by the Street Commissioner prior to purchasing.
   (d)    Proper bulkheads or headwalls shall be installed at the ends of exposed pipe.
   (e)    When tiling any ditch of 150 feet or more, a three foot by three foot catch basin must be installed. For distances less than 150 feet, it is required to install T's in the pipe.
   (f)    It will be the sole responsibility of the property owners to pay any cost to have the tiles cleaned or blasted out due to the tile becoming plugged or restricted.
   (g)    Road right-of-way elevation must be four inches below edge of road surface to accept water from the roadway.
   (h)    Before tiling frontage, the Street Commissioner's office must be consulted for proper size and determination.
(Res. R-02-004. Passed 2-4-02.)