(EDITOR’S NOTE: In Karen Krummen, et al. v. City of North College Hill, et al., the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Ohio, Case No. 1:13CV00193 declared that the retroactive application of the term limits in Section 13.09 violated the Ohio Constitution and the U.S. Constitution and should be stricken.)
   Holders of elective office in the City of North College Hill (whether past, current, and future) may not seek re-election to the same office if they will have already served a cumulative 12 years or more in that same office. Such individuals would thus be “Term Limited” for that office.
   Elective Offices in North College Hill include Mayor, President of City Council, City Council Member and any other elective office that would be created in the future.
   Term-limited individuals for an elective office may not be appointed to fill out the un- expired term of a person leaving that same office.
   Any past, present, or future office holders having time remaining in an un-expired term after already serving a cumulative 12 or more years may complete their terms but not run for the same office again.
   Term-Limited individuals may seek election to any of the other types of elective City Government offices as long as they are not Term-Limited in those offices as well.
   Should time in office become an issue in determining one’s “Term-Limited” status, that status may be confirmed by using archived City, County, or any other public records.
(Amended 11-6-12.)