(A)   Upon receipt of a completed application pursuant to § 112.04, approval of the route and operations schedule pursuant to § 112.05, filing of bond or insurance as required by § 112.07, and payment of the application and license fees provided in § 112.13, the Clerk-Treasurer shall issue a horse-drawn carriage business license to the applicant, unless the number of vehicles approved for existing licenses equals or exceeds the number established in division (B) below.
   (B)   The Common Council determines that to prevent disruption of the primary public uses of the city streets by pedestrians and motor vehicles the number of carriages permitted in the downtown area should be limited. At no time shall the holders of horse-drawn carriage business licenses be authorized to operate more than 20 vehicles in aggregate within the corporate boundaries of the city, and no one licensee shall be authorized to operate more than eight vehicles in such area.
   (C)   Initial licenses shall not be issued until a deadline established by the Clerk-Treasurer not earlier than May 11, 1998. If by the deadline applicants have qualified for more licenses than may be issued under division (B), the Clerk-Treasurer shall select by random applicants until the maximum is reached.
(Ord. 7-89, passed 8-15-89; Am. Ord. 22-4-98, passed 5-11-98)