All applications must meet the following basic criteria along with the requirements specific to the type of application being filed in Part B of this appendix.
   A.   Prefiling meeting for any application identified in § 159.046.
   B.   A completed application on a form prescribed by the Department of Planning or digital submittal of an application using the Department’s online permitting portal when the application type is available on the portal with the required signatures per the application type.
   C.   Payment of filing fees pursuant to the invoice that you will receive upon the acceptance/docketing of your application. The fee must be paid within ten (10) business days of receipt.
   D.   All submittals must be made via file share site, flash drive or other similar media. All documents must be in Portable Document Format (PDF).
   E.   Each drawing type (i.e. construction plans, landscaping plans, architectural plans, etc.) must be submitted in a single file by type. Individual sheets as separate files from drawing sets will not be accepted, but each required submittal must be a separate file - DO NOT FILE as one total document. Refer to the Unified Development Ordinance, Noblesville Standards, and Stormwater Technical Standards for additional guidance and requirements.
   F.   All construction plans shall include the name and address, telephone number, email address, and registration number of the professional engineer, architect, landscape architect, and surveyor responsible for the design, public improvement, and surveys.
   G.   All plans shall be clearly legible and readable.
   H.   All sheets shall be numbered in sequence.
   I.   All plans shall be appropriately scaled based upon the level of detail required on the drawings.
   J.   All drawings shall include graphic scale, north arrow, date, revisions dates including reason for revision, and by whom the revision was made.
   Section 1. Site Plan Review. Applications for site plan review shall contain the information listed under § 159.041, for the Site Plan Review as required, and the following additional application materials:
      A.   Completed application on forms supplied by the Department of Planning and Development for all required processes that may include Technical Advisory Committee review, Secondary Plat, or any other process deemed necessary by staff and identified at the Pre-Filing Conference.
      B.   Legal description of the property.
      C.   Drainage Reports. Shall include a statement signed by an Indiana Registered Professional Engineer stating that:
         1.   The site plan shall conform to any applicable standards for site drainage;
         2.   Except where a specific variation is stated, the design of all improvements is in accordance with applicable city regulations as well as standard and good engineering practice;
         3.   The site plan will not overload existing storm or sanitary sewers.
      D.   Post Water Quality (BMP) report.
      E.   Certifications, seals, and signatures required for the dedication of land and recording of the document.
      F.   Construction Schedule.
      G.   Contents of drawings. The applicant shall prepare and submit Civil Drawings prepared by a licensed engineer or architect subject to the following:
         1.   Scaled drawings at 1"= 20', 1"= 30', or 1"= 40'.
         2.   An accurate legal description and survey of the entire area being developed.
         3.   A development plan indicating all uses, parcels, lots lines, building location pads, recreational areas (residential), vehicular access ways, pedestrian ways (sidewalks/trails) (if trails denote if it is part of the Noblesville Alternative Transportation Plan), floodplains and wetlands (adopted community and panel numbers of FIRMS; delineation and type of wetlands) and watercourses by location and name including drainage swales. All items dimensioned.
         4.   The location, width, and type of use of any existing roads, rights-of-way, railroad rights-of-ways, burial grounds, watercourses, easements or other special purpose areas within the property, or immediately adjacent thereto, and the location of towers, poles, or other structures in connection with electric transmission lines. Clearly identify all easements and existing and proposed rights-of-way. Identify any woodland areas. Identify any trees existing on the property greater than 7-inches in diameter by species, caliper, and condition, and any native vegetation. All items dimensioned.
         5.   A landscaping plan drawn by a landscape architect or a landscape contractor including company name, address, telephone number and email address. Scale 1" = 20' or 1" = 30'. The plan should include the location of trees, shrubs, and ground cover. Identification of the plant species (botanical and common names), sizes at the time of planting by caliper, height, and/or container size. Identify all trees to be used as Street Trees on a separate plan including species, caliper, and location and include on the overall plan. (Street Trees shall be approved by the Urban Forester).
         6.   The location of any existing underground utilities, such as sewers, water mains, storm drains, gas or oil transmission lines, etc., within the property or immediately adjacent thereto, with approximate pipe size and directions of slope.
         7.   Parcel identification numbers as per Hamilton County Tax Mapping to be include on plan.
         8.   Non-residential developments shall include 360° Color Elevations for all buildings denoting materials used, location of materials on building, percentage of different types of materials on building, height, and colors. Include floorplans, and include a materials board.
         9.   Lighting Plan including type of fixtures proposed (perspective or elevation drawings). The lighting plan shall denote the locations providing a photometric plan of the foot-candles to the property lines.
         10.   Development Summary Table including gross and net acreage for the entire project, open space area, building coverage, floodplain and wetland areas, rights-of-way, and detention/retention areas. Indicate locations of the above on the plans.
         11.   Grading plan. Topographic contours shown at five (5) foot intervals in rolling or hilly terrain and two (2) foot intervals in level terrain, as referenced to sea level datum and an established benchmark.
         12.   Location map indicating the Section, Township, and Range.
         13.   A vicinity map showing the location of the parcel to be developed, identified by streets, block, and adjacent subdivisions (with block and lot numbers) as applicable, or in the case of un-subdivided properties, location by township, range, and section (metes and bounds). Include the names of the adjoining developments, uses, and the names of adjoining streets.
      H.   In addition, all development activities located wholly within, partially within, or in contact with an identified special flood hazard area shall be required to submit additional information. Such application shall be made prior to the actual commencement of such construction. Such applications shall include, but not be limited to, plans in duplicate drawn to scale showing the nature, location, dimensions, and elevations of the area in question; existing or proposed structures, earthen fill, storage of materials or equipment, drainage facilities; and the location of the foregoing. Specifically, the following information is required, where applicable:
         1.   A site development plan showing existing and proposed development locations and existing and proposed land grades.
         2.   Verification that connection to either a public sewer system or to an approved on-site septic system is available and approved by the respective regulatory agency for proposed structures with plumbing including, but not limited to, a restroom, kitchen or other facilities requiring disposal of wastewater.
         3.   Plans showing elevation of the top of the planned lowest floor (including basement) of all proposed structures in Zones A, AE. Elevation should be in NAVD 88.
         4.   Plans showing elevation (in NAVD 88) to which any non-residential structure will be floodproofed.
         5.   Certification by a registered professional engineer or architect that the floodproofing methods for any nonresidential structure meet the floodproofing criteria in this ordinance.
         6.   Plans showing location and specifications for flood openings for any proposed structure with enclosed areas below the flood protection grade.
         7.   Plans showing materials to be used below the flood protection grade for any proposed structure are flood resistant.
         8.   Plans showing how any proposed structure will be anchored to resist flotation or collapse.
         9.   Plans showing how any electrical, heating, ventilation, plumbing, air conditioning equipment, and other service facilities are designed and/or located to be above flood protection grade. Elevation should be in NAVD 88.
         10.   Description of the extent to which any watercourse will be altered or relocated as a result of proposed development. A hydrologic and hydraulic engineering study is required, and any watercourse changes submitted to IDNR for approval. Once IDNR approval is obtained, a FEMA Conditional Letter of Map Revision must be obtained prior to construction.
         11.   Any additional information, as requested by the Floodplain Administrator, which may be necessary to determine the nature of a proposed development or structure with respect to the requirements of this ordinance.
         12.   Indiana Department of Natural Resources approval for any construction in a floodway.
   Section 2. Conditional Uses. An application for a Conditional Use permit shall be filed with the Director of Planning and Development with the consent of the owner of property for which such Conditional Use is proposed. At a minimum, the application materials shall contain the following information/documents:
      A.   Description of existing use;
      B.   Zoning district;
      C.   Description of proposed Conditional Use;
      D.   A narrative statement evaluating the effects of such elements as noise, glare, odor, fumes, and vibration upon adjoining property; a discussion of the general compatibility with adjacent and other properties in the district; and the relationship of the proposed use to the Comprehensive Plan;
      E.   A legal description of the real estate involved;
      F.   Location and size of all existing and proposed buildings and structures;
      G.   Location and dimensions of building lines, right-of-way lines, setbacks, regulated drains and public and private easements (existing and proposed);
      H.   Elevation contours and spot elevations sufficient to determine drainage both existing and proposed;
      I.   Drainage calculations sufficient for sizing drainage structures based on a 10-year storm along with retention/detention for a 100-year storm with developed site condition and a release rate of a 10-year storm under undeveloped site conditions;
      J.   Details of drainage structures including cover details for all structures under paved areas;
      K.   Layout of drives and other traffic and drainage features on opposite side of street or adjacent properties;
      L.   Location of septic facilities, sanitary sewer lines and all utilities existing and proposed and connection plans for sanitary sewer facilities including details if necessary;
      M.   Location of parking and loading areas, traffic access and circulation, open space, landscaping, refuse and service areas, signs, turning radii, and proposed vehicle and projected turning paths from turning radius templates;
      N.   Vicinity map showing all property boundaries and zone districts within a 1/4-mile radius of the property; and
      O.   Any other information the Board of Zoning Appeals or the Director of Planning and Development may require to determine if the proposed conditional use meets the intent and requirements of the zoning ordinance and is appropriate for the location for which it is proposed.
   Section 3. Variances. An application for a variance from the terms of this ordinance shall be filed with the Director of Planning and Development with the consent of the owner of property for which the Variance is proposed. At a minimum, the application material shall contain the following information/documents:
      A.   Legal description of property;
      B.   Description of nature of variance requested;
      C.   Site plan depicting all information necessary for the Board’s decision;
      D.   Technical information as determined by the Director of Planning and Development and the Technical Advisory Committee;
      E.   A narrative statement demonstrating that the requested variance conforms to the standards of § 159.043(C)(5).
   Section 4. Amendments. Applications for Change of Zoning or Planned Development amendments to the zoning ordinance/map shall contain at least the following information:
      A.   Present use;
      B.   Present zoning district;
      C.   Proposed zoning district;
      D.   A vicinity map at a scale approved by the Director of Planning and Development showing property lines, thoroughfares, existing and proposed zoning, and such other items as the Director of Planning and Development may require;
      E.   A statement on how the proposed amendment relates to the Comprehensive Plan;
      F.   Draft ordinance; and
      G.   Any other information or drawings which may be necessary to determine conformance with and provide for the enforcement of this ordinance, as determined by the Director of Planning and Development or representative.
   Section 9. Planned Developments
      B.   Preliminary Development Plan
         1.   Application Materials
            a.   Completed application for all required processes that may include Preliminary Development Plan, Rezoning, Technical Advisory Committee review, Architectural Review Board, or any other process deemed necessary by staff and identified at the Pre-Filing Conference.
            b.   A PD Ordinance shall be submitted for consideration by the Plan Commission and Common Council which outlines all standards and uses requested, bulk standards, and variations. The ordinance shall include as appendices and commitments all drawings and renderings used in presentation of the application. The ordinance shall include a sunset clause for obtaining individual building permit and the initial construction should the Planned Development (PD) not be developed after it is adopted and recorded.
            c.   A Preliminary Development Plan - see below for specific information to be included.
            d.   Each application shall be accompanied by a written description of the project. The length of the description will vary with the size of the project. The following information should be included:
               1.   The design concept.
               2.   The rationale for the design.
               3.   The project proposal in written language.
               4.   The relation of the existing conditions on
               5.   The existing and proposed uses.
               6.   Proposed maximum site development intensity and demonstration that it is in keeping with the comprehensive plan and will not exceed 100 of the base zone.
               7.   A list of any requested exceptions including justification from the requirements of the base zone.
               8.   Explanation of the character of the Planned Development and the reasons why it has been planned to take advantage of the flexibility of these regulations. This item shall include a specific explanation of how the proposed Planned Development meets the objectives of all adopted land use policies that affect the land in question.
               9.   Statement of present and proposed ownership of all land within the project including the beneficial owners of a land trust.
               10.   Statement of the stages proposed for the development indicating the sequencing and phasing.
            e.   Feasibility statements concerning the infrastructure such as sanitary sewer, storm sewer, water, electricity, and other similar utilities.
            f.   A traffic study shall be required for developments expected to generate 1000+ new trips per day. This is approximately equivalent to 100 new single-family homes, 135 apartments/duplexes/quads, or 40,000 square feet of retail space. Study intersections shall include all upstream and downstream thoroughfare intersections and new access points. Study shall consider level of service for existing traffic, traffic at horizon year, and traffic at development at the horizon year. Study shall make recommendations to mitigate any concerns or issues.
            g.   Proposed covenants.
            h.   Legal description of the property.
            i.   Any additional materials, information, documentation, or data deemed necessary to support a thorough review of the proposed development requested by the Planning or Engineering Department in writing.
         2.   Contents/Requirements of Preliminary Development Plan.
            a.   The words “Preliminary Development Plan” and the name of the proposed development shall appear on the Title Page.
            b.   Scaled drawings prepared by a land surveyor, engineer, and/or architect. Scale of drawings l"=20', l"=30', or l"=40'. All sheets shall be numbered in sequence. All construction drawings shall include the name and address, telephone number, email address, and registration number of the professional engineer, architect, landscape architect, and surveyor responsible for the design, public improvements, and for surveys.
            c.   A site (development) plan indicating the location and configuration of the proposed development including parcels, lot lines, uses, building locations, and recreational areas (residential), vehicular access ways, pedestrian ways (sidewalks/trails) (denote if trails are a part of the Noblesville Alternative Transportation Plan), floodplains and wetlands (adopted community and panel numbers of FIRMS, delineation, and type of wetlands), and watercourses by location and name, including drainage swales. Plans shall show right-of-way improvements including drainage improvements, clearing, pavement widening and resurfacing of roadway frontage, and relocation of existing overhead utilities to the back of the right-of-way, All items shall be dimensioned, and drawings shall be scaled.
            d.   The location, width, and type of use of any existing roads, rights-of-way, railroad rights-of-ways, burial grounds, watercourses, easements or other special purpose areas within the property, or immediately adjacent thereto, and the location of towers, poles, or other structures in connection with electric transmission lines. Clearly identify all easements and existing and proposed rights-of-way. Identify any woodland areas. Identify any trees existing on the property greater than 7-inches in diameter by species, caliper, and condition, as well as any native vegetation. All items shall be dimensioned.
            e.   A landscaping plan drawn by a landscape architect or a landscape contractor including company name, address, telephone number, and email address. Scale shall be 1" = 20' or 1" = 30'. The plan should include the location of trees, shrubs, and ground cover and identification of the plant species (botanical and common names), sizes at the time of planting by caliper, height, and/or container size.
            f.   Identify all trees to be used as Street Trees on a separate plan including species, caliper, and location and include on the overall plan. (Street Trees shall be approved by the Urban Forester). This plan shall be provided on a separate sheet from the other landscaping elements.
            g.   The approximate location of any existing underground utilities, such as sewers, water mains, storm drains, gas or oil transmission lines, etc., within the property or immediately adjacent thereto, with approximate pipe size and directions of slope.
            h.   General indications of how the development is to be provided with water service, sanitary sewers, and storm drainage, gas, electricity, etc. Indicate location, size, invert elevations, and slopes of existing sewers, water mains, culverts, and other underground structures within the tract and existing permanent buildings and utility poles on the tract. Critical grades of proposed system shall be shown for gravity service for storm sewer and sanitary sewer.
            i.   Parcel identification numbers as per the Hamilton County Tax Mapping to be include on the plan. Parcel numbers shall be Hamilton County parcel numbers, not state parcel numbers.
            j.   Non-residential development shall include 360-degree color elevations for all buildings denoting materials used, location of materials on building, percentage of different types of materials on the building, height, and colors. Floor plans shall also be provided.
            k.   Lighting Plan including type of fixtures proposed (perspective or elevation drawings). The lighting plan shall denote the general locations. Include cut-sheets for fixture types. Single Sheet and digital submission. Who will be providing lighting and paying costs for installation and operation/maintenance.
            l.   Development Summary Table including gross and net acreage for the entire project, open space area, building coverage, floodplain and wetland areas, right of ways, and detention/retention areas. These shall be indicated on the plans.
            m.   Grading plan including topographic contours shown at five (5) foot intervals in rolling or hilly terrain and two (2) foot intervals in level terrain, as referenced to sea level datum and an established benchmark.
            n.   Soils map and data. Two (2) copies of a preliminary geological soils report prepared by a qualified soils geologist registered in the State of Indiana addressing slope stability, ground water seepage, erosion hazards, expansive soils, fault related hazards, and conclusions and recommendations on the proposed soils regarding the development.
            o.   Preliminary drainage report showing onsite and offsite drainage sheds, narrative of design process, calculations with input and outputs including hydrographs confirming the ponds on the plans are conceptually sized correctly. Reports intent is proof of concept that the site's drainage plan considers the requirements of the Stormwater Technical Standards requirements.
            p.   Traffic impact study for projects which will create one thousand (1,000+) or more new trips. Study intersections shall include all upstream and downstream thoroughfare intersections and new access points. Study shall consider level of service for existing traffic, traffic at horizon year, and traffic at development at the horizon year. Study shall make recommendation to mitigate any concerns or issues.
            q.   Location map indicating the Section, Township, and Range.
            r.   Proposed zoning classification of real property being developed and surrounding zoning classifications.
            s.   A Vicinity Map showing the location of the parcel to be developed, identified by street, block, and adjacent subdivisions (with block and lot numbers) as applicable, or in the case of un-subdivided properties, location by township, range, and section (metes and bounds). Include the names of the adjoining property owners of record, the names of the adjoining developments, uses, and the names of adjoining streets. Include school district lines and identify.
         3.   Additional Required Information for Residential Planned Developments.
            a.   360-degree architectural elevations of all proposed buildings including accessory buildings, clubhouses/pool structures, and residential houses. Include heights, color names, and location of materials on buildings and swatch colors.
            b.   Floor plans.
            c.   A completed Architectural Review Board Application.
            d.   Seven (7) paper sets and a digital submission of the elevations including any deviations from the adopted standards for Architectural Review. Include the proposed and/or adopted standards. The elevations and supporting documentation may be submitted in a booklet form provided the drawings are to a scale and scalable.
      C.   Detailed Development Plan.
         1.   Application Materials.
            a.   Completed application on forms supplied by the Department of Planning and Development for all required processes that may include Technical Advisory Committee review, Secondary Plat, or any other process deemed necessary by staff and identified at the Pre-Filing Conference.
            b.   Legal description of the property.
            c.   Drainage Reports. Shall include a statement signed by an Indiana Registered Professional Engineer stating that:
               1.   The Detailed Site Plan shall conform to any applicable standards for site drainage;
               2.   Except where a specific variation is stated, the design of all improvements is in accordance with applicable city regulations as well as standard and good engineering practice;
               3.   The Detailed Site Plan will not overload existing storm or sanitary sewers.
            d.   Final draft of covenants.
            e.   Post Water Quality (BMP) report.
            f.   Certifications, seals, and signatures required for the dedication of land and recording of the document.
            g.   Construction Schedule.
            h.   Common Open Space documents: All common open space, at the election of the City may be:
               1.   Conveyed to a municipal or public corporation; or
               2.   Conveyed to a not-for-profit corporation or entity established for the purpose of benefiting the owners and tenants of the Planned Development or adjoining property owners or any one or more of them. All lands conveyed thereunder shall be subject to the right of the grantee or grantees to enforce maintenance and improvement of the common open space; or
               3.   Guaranteed by a restrictive covenant describing the open space and its maintenance and improvements, running with the land for the benefit of residents of the Planned Development or adjoining property owners and/or both.
         2.   Contents of Detailed Development Plan drawings. The applicant shall prepare and submit a final Detailed Development Plan prepared by a licensed engineer or architect including Civil Drawings subject to the following:
            a.   Scaled drawings prepared by a land surveyor, engineer, and/or architect. Scale of drawings 1" = 20', 1" = 30' or 1" = 40'. All sheets shall be numbered in sequence. All drawings shall include the name and address, telephone number, email address and registration number of the professional engineer, architect, landscape architect and surveyor responsible for the design, public improvements, and for surveys. IF the area is part of the Corporate Campus Planned Development District or a phase of an overall detailed development plan, include all information pertinent to the development of the individual parcel.
            b.   An accurate legal description and survey of the entire area being developed as the Planned Development.
            c.   A development plan indicating all uses, parcels, lot lines, building location pads, recreational areas (residential), vehicular access ways, pedestrian ways (sidewalks/trails) (if trails denote if it is part of the Noblesville Alternative Transportation Plan), floodplains and wetlands (adopted community and panel numbers of FIRMS; delineation and type of wetlands) and watercourses by location and name including drainage swales. All items dimensioned.
            d.   The location, width, and type of use of any existing roads, rights-of-way, railroad rights-of-ways, burial grounds, watercourses, easements or other special purpose areas within the property, or immediately adjacent thereto, and the location of towers, poles, or other structures in connection with electric transmission lines. Clearly identify all easements and existing and proposed rights-of-way. Identify any woodland areas. Identify any trees existing on the property greater than 7-inches in diameter by species, caliper, and condition, and any native vegetation. All items dimensioned.
            e.   A landscaping plan drawn by a landscape architect or a landscape contractor including company name, address, telephone number and email address. Scale 1" = 20' or 1" = 30'. The plan should include the location of trees, shrubs, and ground cover. Identification of the plant species (botanical and common names), sizes at the time of planting by caliper, height, and/or container size. Identify all trees to be used as Street Trees on a separate plan including species, caliper, and location and include on the overall plan. (Street Trees shall be approved by the Urban Forester).
            f.   The location of any existing underground utilities, such as sewers, water mains, storm drains, gas or oil transmission lines, etc., within the property or immediately adjacent thereto, with approximate pipe size and directions of slope.
            g.   Parcel identification numbers as per Hamilton County Tax Mapping to be include on plan.
            h.   Non-residential Planned Developments shall include 360° Color Elevations for all buildings denoting materials used, location of materials on building, percentage of different types of materials on building, height, and colors.
               1.   Include floor plans.
               2.   Include a materials board. (Provide one board.)
            i.   Lighting Plan including type of fixtures proposed (perspective or elevation drawings). The lighting plan shall denote the locations providing a photometric plan of the foot-candles to the property lines.
            j.   Development Summary Table including gross and net acreage for the entire project, open space area, building coverage, floodplain and wetland areas, right of ways, and detention/retention areas. Indicate locations of the above on the plans.
            k.   Grading plan. Topographic contours shown at five (5) foot intervals in rolling or hilly terrain and two (2) foot intervals in level terrain, as referenced to sea level datum and an established benchmark.
            l.   Location map indicating the Section, Township, and Range.
            m.   A Vicinity Map showing the location of the parcel to be developed, identified by streets, block, and adjacent subdivisions (with block and lot numbers) as applicable, or in the case of un-subdivided properties, location by township, range, and section (metes and bounds). Include the names of the adjoining developments, uses, and the names of adjoining streets.
(Ord. 62-12-95, passed 1-22-96; Am. Ord. 56-11-07, passed 12-11-07; Am. Ord. 64-11-08, passed 12-9-08; Am. Ord. 49-10-14, passed 10-28-14; Am. Ord. 25-04-15, passed 5-12-15; Am. Ord. 12-04-17, passed 4-25-17; Am. Ord. 68-11-22, passed 11-9-22; Am. Ord. 44-10-23, passed 11-14-23)