§ 152.131 FENCE HEIGHTS.
   (A)   General. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter, fences, walls and hedges may be permitted in any required yard, or along the edge of any yard; provided, that, no fence, wall or hedge shall exceed the height stated in the table below; provided, however, that a wall that does not exceed three feet in height is not classified as a retaining wall.
Maximum Fence Heights
Height (Feet)
Lot side
Street side
   (B)   Privacy fences. A privacy fence may not interfere with the line of sight at an angle of 90 degrees from the front door of the primary structure on the adjoining lot, and may not exceed a height of six feet; provided, that, a privacy fence may be eight feet in height if the top two feet of the fence does not interfere with the free flow of air through the fenced enclosure.
   (C)   Sight line (visibility at intersections). All fences, walls, hedges, screens, signs and other structures or plantings shall be set back from a corner a sufficient distance so as to not create an unsafe condition for purposes of automobile traffic. No fence, wall, hedge, screen, sign or other structure or planting shall be higher than three and one-half feet in any district within the triangle area (sight triangle) formed by the intersection of the centerline of each street; the line measured along each center line will be 100 feet along major streets and 80 feet on minor streets. When a major and a minor street intersect, each shall retain their respective footage requirements along the centerline to form the sight triangle. Trees may be planted in this triangle area provided the lowest foliage is eight feet or higher from the ground.
(Ord. 08-02, passed 2-19-2008; Ord. passed 2-2-2010; Ord. passed 5-16-2023)