(A)   Firearms. No person shall carry a firearm of any description, air or gas gun, fireworks, explosives, slingshot or missile-throwing device into or within the park or discharge the same therein; provided, that a police officer or other qualified law enforcement officer may carry a firearm within the park and that the discharge of fireworks may be authorized by the city in compliance with the regulations of the State Fire Marshal’s office.
   (B)   Dangerous weapons. No person shall have or carry any switchblade, hunting knife, dagger, metal knuckles or other dangerous weapon while in the park, provided that a police officer or other qualified law enforcement officer may carry a firearm or nightstick within the park. Exception: a hunting knife may be carried at Ridenour Lake in conjunction with fishing.
   (C)   Bows and arrows. No person shall release an arrow from a bow, crossbow or longbow within the park other than in areas designed by the Director as archery ranges or at such other locations as may be designated in writing for such purpose of the Director.
   (D)   Hunting. No person within the park shall hunt, pursue with dogs, hunt with birds, trap or in any way molest any wild bird or animal found within the park or rob or molest any bird nest or take the eggs of any bird; provided, that the Chief of Police may designate persons to hunt, pursue, catch and kill in a humane manner nuisance animals.
(Prior Code, § 927.03) (Ord. 84-1, passed 1-24-1984) Penalty, see § 94.99