(A) The following ordinances or resolutions are repealed:
(1) NIRC 92-01 Amend RTA Regulations Regarding Bidding;
(2) IRC 94-01 Restating Regulations Regard Public Bidding;
(3) NIRC 95-01 Amend Regulations Regarding Public Bidding;
(4) NIRC 96-01 Amend Regulations Regarding Public Bidding;
(5) NIRC 02-01 Amend Regulations Regarding Public Bidding;
(6) NIRC 12-01 Revised Bidding Regulations; and
(7) NIRC 14-01 Bidding Regulations.
(B) These regulations shall supersede any prior ordinance and take precedence and control over any
previously enacted conflicting ordinances, regulations, rules or policies.
(Ord. NIRC 19-01, passed 4-17-2019)