(a)   Definitions. For the purpose of this section, the following terms are defined as follows:
      Alcoholic beverages. Is defined and is the same as that definition in KRS 241.010(2).
      Alcoholic Beverage Administrator. Is the duly appointed alcoholic beverage control administrator of the City of Nicholasville.
      Civic event. A festival, show, performance or similar gathering held with the encouragement and involvement or at the behest of the governmental entities of the City of Nicholasville or Jessamine County.
      Performance Park. The rectangular-shaped parcel of land bounded by South Main Street, North York Street and West Maple Street in the City of Nicholasville, being more particularly described as Parcel Number 058-10-36-010.00.
      Rock Fence Park. The irregularly-shaped parcel of land at the corner of North Third Street and West Oak Street, being bounded by North Third Street to the west and by West Oak Street to the south, being more particularly described as parcel number 058-10-13-034.00.
   (b)   No person shall possess, sell, deliver or consume my alcoholic beverages at any time while on City of Nicholasville property, which includes, but is not limited to, city parks and other recreational areas other than the Performance Park, Rock Fence Park, parking lots, and municipal buildings.
   (c)   Within the confines of Performance Park and Rock Fence Park, no person shall possess, sell, deliver or consume any alcoholic beverages except when authorized by a permit issued by the Alcoholic Beverage Administrator.
   (d)   The possession, sale, delivery or consumption of alcoholic beverages within Rock Fence Park shall be prohibited except as part of a civic even.
   (e)   Violation of this section shall be designated a misdemeanor and shall result in a fine of up to five hundred dollars ($500.00) and/or jail confinement up to six (6) months, in the Jessamine County Detention Center or both.
(Ord. No. 228-1997, 8-28-97; Ord. No. 1075-2019, 9-25-19; Ord. No. 040-2021, 4-26-21)