§ 2-526. Administrative departments (including finance and planning and zoning).
   The function of the finance and administrative department shall be to generally oversee the finances of the city and all departments as well as to coordinate all of the other four (4) departments described above. The department shall likewise be in charge of and handle all of the billing and collection of all of the utilities sold by the city as well as the administration of the tax assessments. The function of the Planning and Zoning Department is to assist the public, the Planning Commission and the Board of Adjustments in coordinating and administrating a logical, methodical development of the municipality in accordance with existing and future needs and goals and to assist the Planning Commission and the city to engage in planning operations as defined in KRS 100.111(14). The department head of this department shall be the mayor of the city. He shall co-supervise the maintenance of the city hall building. The city commission shall assign the employees necessary for the operation of his department. He shall have the right to hire additional employees or discharge employees upon failure to perform their duties or any other reason set forth in the personnel manual of the city. The mayor shall have the right to promulgate procedures and regulations for his respective employees.
   The city treasurer, city clerk, city attorney and city administrative officer shall be responsible to the mayor who in turn shall prescribe their duties in addition to their existing functions and duties presently prescribed by ordinance and statute.
(Ord. No. 064-1993, 12-14-93; Am. Ord. 1073-2019, 9-25-19; Am. Ord. 029-2021, 1-11- 21)
   Cross reference-Administration generally, Chapter 2 .