WHEREAS, pursuant to Indiana Code Section 36-1-5-3, the legislative body of an Indiana town shall “codify, revise, rearrange, or compile its town's ordinances into a complete, simplified code;”
   WHEREAS, the New Whiteland Town Council (the “Council”) is the legislative body of New Whiteland and responsible for compiling the Town's ordinances into a complete, simplified Town Code;
   WHEREAS, though New Whiteland has maintained a Town Code, many of the Town's more recent ordinances have not been included and codified and some of its repealed ordinances remain in the Town Code;
   ACCORDINGLY, the Council contracted with American Legal Publishing Corporation to have the New Whiteland Town Code updated and rearranged in order to provide a more comprehensive and current compilation of New Whiteland local ordinances;
   WHEREAS, American Legal Publishing presented to the Council its final draft of the Town of New Whiteland, Indiana Code of Ordinances, Copyright 2018 (the “2018 Town Code”) in early June 2018 and the Council began the adoption process by approving and adopting Ordinance 2018-12, on first reading, at its June 5, 2018 regular meeting;
   WHEREAS, prior to adopting Ordinance 2018-12, on second and final reading, the Council discovered that a few additional revisions to the 2018 Town Code were needed and returned it to American Legal Publishing so those revisions could me included;
   WHEREAS, American Legal Publishing has presented to the Council its revised, final draft of the Town of New Whiteland, Indiana Code of Ordinances, Copyright 2018 (with final revisions dated August 20, 2018), and the Council has reviewed and approved it.
   NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Town Council of the Town of New Whiteland, Indiana, that:
      1.   The 2018 Town Code, as presented by American Legal Publishing (with final revisions dated August 20, 2018), is hereby approved and adopted as the New Whiteland Town Code.
      2.   All prior Town Codes and ordinances of the Town of New Whiteland, and sections thereof, which are, expressly or by reference, included in the 2018 Town Code, to the extent that they remain unchanged, are hereby restated and reenacted, effective as of the date of final adoption of the 2018 Town Code.
      3.   All prior Town Codes and ordinances of the Town of New Whiteland, and sections thereof, which are, expressly or by reference, included in the 2018 Town Code, to the extent that they conflict with provisions included in the 2018 Town Code, are hereby repealed, effective as of the date of final adoption of the 2018 Town Code.
      4.   New Whiteland ordinances, and parts thereof, not included in the 2018 Town Code, expressly or by reference, shall remain unchanged and in effect.
      5.   Ordinance 2018-12 is hereby rescinded and replaced with this Ordinance 2018-15.
   INTRODUCED and ADOPTED, on first reading, by the New Whiteland Town Council, on this 21st day of August, 2018.
   ADOPTED, on second and final reading, by the New Whiteland Town Council, on this 4th day of September, 2018.
                            \s\ John Perrin
                           John Perrin, President of the Town Council
Attest: \s\ Maribeth Alspach  
    Maribeth Alspach, Clerk Treasurer