(A)   All buildings, structures, construction grading and deposits that are essential to the operation of public works such as bridges, water and sewer facilities, utility sub-stations, power and telephone line supports, transmission towers and other service structures.
   (B)   Non-damageable or low damage potential uses, such as agriculture, parking lots, park and recreation areas, signs and similar uses.
   (C)   All buildings and structures permitted in the Flood Hazard District shall be subject to the regulations of said district; and, provided that:
      (1)   The ground upon which such building or structure is to be located and an area 20 feet beyond the limits of such building or structure shall, prior to or at the time of construction, be raised to an elevation of not less than one foot above the designated flood elevation and the first floor elevation shall be not less than three feet above the designated flood elevation;
      (2)   Buildings for uses other than residential, where permitted in a Flood Hazard Zone, may be constructed without reference to division (C)(1) above; provided, they are flood proof to prevent damage and if the plans for such buildings have been approved by Natural Resources;
      (3)   All development applications located in the Flood Hazard District will require the review and approval by Natural Resources prior to the issuance of an improvement location permit. The Plan Commission or its designated representative shall forward all applications along with plans and specifications to Natural Resources for review and comment; and
      (4)   All improvement location permits shall be issued upon the condition that no occupancy permit will be issued and no occupancy will be permitted until the applicant furnishes a certification from a registered professional engineer or land surveyor stating that the elevation of the structure and the site meet the requirements of this chapter, or certification of plan approval from Natural Resources as provided in divisions (C)(2) and (C)(3) above.
(2004 Code, § 10-500)