§ 156.458 EXCEPTIONS.
   Exceptions which may be authorized by grant of special exception permit for an industrial park shall include, but not be limited to:
   (A)   Front setback and frontage on a public street. Sites for uses within the industrial park may front upon and be serviced by private interior access roads; provided:
      (1)   Each such site shall have front yard and setback (from the interior access road) of adequate depth in relation to building height, width and area; and
      (2)   The industrial park shall have at least 400 feet of frontage on a public street and that a front yard and setback (in accordance with the Manufacturing Zoning District’s standard requirements) shall be provided along all public streets abutting the periphery of the industrial park.
   (B)   Side yard and setback. The total of the required side yards and setbacks may be provided entirely on one side or divided in any proportion between the two sides; provided, however, that, the sides of any two buildings shall be separated by a minimum of 20 feet unless abutting; and
   (C)   Deceleration lane. No deceleration lane shall be required within the industrial park provided the streets or private interior access roads are of sufficient width and number of lanes that continuous movement of through traffic is not impeded.
(2004 Code, § 9-603)