(A)   The purpose of this subchapter is to set forth procedures and requirements for the establishment of a Planned Unit Development (PUD) Zoning District within the town.
   (B)   The intent of this subchapter is to set guidelines whereby a PUD plan can achieve:
      (1)   A maximum choice in the types of living environment, occupancy tenure (i.e., cooperatives, individual ownership, condominium, leasing and the like), types of housing, types of ownership and community facilities available to existing and potential residents;
      (2)   Usable open space and recreation areas directly related to the intended users;
      (3)   Convenience in location of accessory commercial and service areas or supportive industrial areas;
      (4)   Preservation of natural topographical and geological features with emphasis upon:
         (a)   Prevention of soil erosion;
         (b)   Conservation of existing surface and subsurface water; and
         (c)   Preservation of trees and other environmental enhancing features.
      (5)   A creative and efficient approach to the use of land and related physical development, resulting in a smaller network of utilities and streets and lower housing costs;
      (6)   An environment of stable character in harmony with the surrounding development; and
      (7)   A more desirable environment than would be possible through the strict application of other sections of this chapter.
(2004 Code, § 9-100)