(A)   General. The applicant for a mobile home park (owner or person with consent of owner) shall file the following documents with the Plan Commission at least 15 days prior to the public hearing at which the development plans are to be presented for consideration:
      (1)   Development plans: two copies;
      (2)   Letter of intent: two copies; and
      (3)   Zoning petition: two copies.
(2004 Code, § 8-700)
   (B)   Public notification. The applicant shall provide the Plan Commission with a legal affidavit for proof of one publication of public notice prior to the hearing. If the applicant is petitioning for rezoning of property for mobile home park use, the applicant shall also provide the Plan Commission with proof that all property owners within 600 feet and/or two properties whichever is greater distance from said property have been given notice of the public hearing and petition. Mail receipts and proof of publication affidavits must be submitted at least two working days prior to the hearing. All costs for public notification shall be borne by the applicant.
(2004 Code, § 8-701)
   (C)   Preparation of development plans. All development plans for a mobile home park shall contain the following information:
      (1)   A vicinity key map at an appropriate scale;
      (2)   Description:
         (a)   Name and address of applicant;
         (b)   Proposed name of such mobile home park;
         (c)   Location by quarter section, township and range, or by other legal descriptions, and city, town or civil township;
         (d)   Name, address and seal of registered professional engineer or land surveyor preparing the plan; and
         (e)   Scale of the plan, north point and date.
      (3)   Existing conditions:
         (a)   Boundary line of proposed mobile home park indicated by solid heavy line;
         (b)   Location, width and names of all existing or prior dedicated streets or public ways abutting or in said area of the proposed mobile home park, railroad and utility rights-of-way, parks and other public open spaces within said area, and location of permanent buildings or structures;
         (c)   Any existing sewers, water mains, culverts, drainage tile or underground facilities within the area of the proposed mobile home park;
         (d)   Existing zoning of proposed mobile home park and adjacent tracts; and
         (e)   Other conditions on the tract such as watercourses, marshes, rock outcrop, wood areas and the like.
      (4)   Proposed conditions:
         (a)   Layout of streets and sidewalks with width thereof, whether dedicated or private street, together with typical cross-section;
         (b)   Layout of any alleys, crosswalks and easements;
         (c)   The dimensions and number of lots;
         (d)   Land to be set aside for common use of the tenants of the mobile home park;
         (e)   All setback lines;
         (f)   Location of all proposed permanent buildings, storage area, office and community center; and
         (g)   Sanitary sewer system, storm sewer system, off-site drainage system or similar related items.
(2004 Code, § 8-702)
   (D)   Preparation of improvement plan. At the time of filing the development plan, the applicant shall also file two copies of the proposed improvement plans which shall contain the following information:
      (1)   Description. The same information as outlined in preparation of development plan in divisions (B)(1) through (B)(4) above; and
      (2)   Proposed conditions.
         (a)   Plan and profile sheets of the proposed mobile home park streets, including typical cross-section showing pavement design; and
         (b)   Plans for the proposed handling of surface water drainage, including plan and profile sheets of storm sewers, if included in the proposed improvements.
(2004 Code, § 8-703)
   (E)   Public hearing. The Plan Commission shall hold a public hearing prior to granting approval of any mobile home park plans. The applicant shall give at least 15 days’ notice prior to such hearing as prescribed in this section. The applicant shall also meet the public notification requirements as prescribed in this section. Either the applicant or his or her designated representative shall attend the public hearing. Such notification and attendance requirements shall be a condition precedent to the right of the Plan Commission to conduct such hearing. At the hearing, the Commission may approve, deny, modify or take under advisement the plans presented by the applicant. If the plans are modified or denied by the Commission, the Commission shall promptly notify the applicant of such action, together with the reasons for such modification or denial. The Plan Commission may, at its own discretion, require the applicant to submit their development and improvement plans to the county’s Drainage Board for approval.
(2004 Code, § 8-704)