(A)   Off-street parking spaces may be open to the sky, covered or enclosed in a building. In any instance where a building is constructed or used for parking, it shall be treated as any major structure and subject to all requirements thereof.
   (B)   All open off-street parking areas shall be paved with concrete or improved with a compacted macadam base, and surfaced with an asphaltic pavement to adequately provide a durable and dust-free surface which shall be maintained in good condition free of weeds, dirt, trash and debris; except that:
      (1)   A gravel surface may be used for a period not exceeding one year after the parking area is opened for use where ground conditions are not immediately suitable for permanent surfacing as specified above; and
      (2)   A gravel surface in the area of storage or handling may be used permanently in association with industries that handle liquids or chemicals which create a potential hazard if containment should be lost and where absorption into the ground through a loose surface material would eliminate or alleviate such hazard.
   (C)   The surface shall be graded and drained in such a manner that there will be no free flow of water onto either adjacent properties or public sidewalks.
   (D)   The parking area(s) shall be so lined or designated where abutting a required yard that no part of the parked vehicles shall extend beyond the boundary of the established parking area into any minimum required yard or into adjoining property.
   (E)   When lighting facilities are used to illuminate the parking area(s) they shall be so located, shielded and directed upon the parking area that they do not create glare or reflect onto adjacent properties or interfere with street traffic. In no instance shall bare incandescent bulbs be used for such illumination.
(2004 Code, § 7-1106)