To receive final inspection and acceptance of any project, or portion thereof, the following must be completed and provided to the City of Newton Falls Engineer:
(a) Final stabilization must be achieved and all permanent storm water management practices must be installed and made functional, as determined by the City of Newton Falls Engineer and per the approved Comprehensive Storm Water Management Plan.
(b) An As-Built Certification, including a Survey and Inspection, must be sealed, signed and dated by a Professional Engineer and a Professional Surveyor with a statement certifying that the storm water management practices, as designed and installed, meet the requirements of the Comprehensive Storm Water Management Plan approved by the City of Newton Falls Engineer. In evaluating this certification, the City of Newton Falls Engineer may require the submission of a new set of storm water practice calculations if he/she determines that the design was altered significantly from the approved Comprehensive Storm Water Management Plan. The As-Built Survey must provide the location, dimensions, and bearing of such practices and include the entity responsible for long-term maintenance as detailed in the Inspection and Maintenance Agreement. The approved As-Built Certification must be on file with the City Engineer and Building Inspector prior to the issuance of a Occupancy Permit.
(c) A copy of the complete and recorded Inspection and Maintenance Agreement as specified in Section 958.08 must be provided to the City of Newton Falls Engineer.
(Ord. 2013-05. Passed 3-18-13.)
The City of Newton Falls, Ohio shall inspect storm water management practices periodically. Upon finding a malfunction or other need for maintenance, the City of Newton Falls, Ohio shall provide written notification to the responsible party, as detailed in the Inspection and Maintenance Agreement, of the need for maintenance. Upon notification, the responsible party shall have five (5) working days, or other mutually agreed upon time, to makes repairs or submits a plan with detailed action items and established timelines. Should repairs not be made within this time, or a plan approved by the City of Newton Falls, Ohio for these repairs not be in place, the City of Newton Falls, Ohio may undertake the necessary repairs and assess the responsible party.
(Ord. 2013-05. Passed 3-18-13.)
The Comprehensive Storm Water Management Plan review, filing, and inspection fee is part of a complete submittal and is required to be submitted to the City of Newton Falls, Ohio before the review process begins. Please see City of Newton Falls fee schedule for providing these services. (Ord. 2013-05. Passed 3-18-13.)