(a)   Intent. The intent of this section is to focus on the actual physical effects of lighting and its potential impact on the surrounding neighborhood. Exterior lighting shall be evaluated in the site plan review process to ensure that the functional and security needs of the project are addressed in a way that does not adversely affect adjacent properties and or the neighborhood. The degree to which exterior night lighting affects a property owner or a neighborhood will be considering the light source, level of illumination and hours of illumination.
   (b)   Design Standards. All exterior lighting shall meet the following design standards:
      (1)   The location together with the cutoff angle and fixture type shall conceal the light sources so that they cannot be viewed from the adjacent property. Planning Commission may require shields to be installed.
      (2)   In no case shall lighting cause glare or unnecessary diffusion that impairs the safe movement of traffic on adjacent streets or highways.
      (3)   Light fixtures shall be located so that the light sources are directed into parking areas.
      (4)   No light sources shall be located on building facades directed outward toward property boundaries except that architectural, landscape and decorative lighting is permitted provided that the light emissions are limited to the building facade or other illuminated object.
      (5)   All outdoor light not necessary for security purposes shall be reduced, activated by motion sensor devices, or turned off during non-operating hours.
      (6)   No flickering or flashing lights shall be permitted, except for temporary holiday decorations.
   (c)   Lighting Levels. With the exception of lighting for public streets, all other project lighting used to illuminate buildings; parking lots, walkways or the landscape shall comply with the following maximum lighting levels:
Maximum Foot-candle
Property Line   
Parking Areas
Maximum Foot-candle
Under Gas Canopy
   * If adjacent to a residential district, the lighting level shall be 0.0.
   (d)   Additional Regulations for Uses Adjacent to Residential Properties.
      (1)   A light with no protective shield shall be no higher than 6 feet and shall have a maximum illumination, measured at the lot line at ground level of 0.2 foot-candles.
      (2)   A light with a protective shield, which ensures that the light will not shine directly above a line parallel to the ground extended from the point of the light source nearest the ground, shall be no higher than 15 feet with a maximum illumination, measured at the lot line at ground level, of 0.3 foot- candles.
      (3)   All residential development consisting of 5 or more lots or units and all nonresidential development shall submit for approval a proposed exterior lighting plan that meets the functional security needs of the proposed land use without adversely affecting adjacent properties or the community.
      (4)   All residential development consisting of less than 5 lots or units shall comply with the standards set forth in this section, but shall not be required to submit a proposed exterior lighting plan for approval.
   (e)   Application. These standards shall be applicable to all properties within the City and any new lighting to be erected. These standards shall also be applicable to any existing lighting upon the transfer of the ownership of the property or upon replacement of any current lighting. (Ord. 2008-09. Passed 4-21-08.)