1151.01   Purposes.
1151.02   Compliance; application of chapter.
1151.03   Definitions.
1151.04   Prohibited signs.
1151.05   Permit required.
1151.06   Validity of permit.
1151.07   Fees.
1151.08   Permit revocable at any time.
1151.09   Revocation.
1151.10   Failure to obtain a permit.
1151.11   Permits not required.
1151.12   Measurement determinations.
1151.13   General provisions.
1151.14   Signs permitted in R-1 and R-2 Residential Districts.
1151.15   Signs permitted in R-M Residential Multi-Family and R-MHP Residential Mobile Park Districts.
1151.16   Signs permitted in the C-1 Central Business District, C Commercial District Mixed Use District and I-1 Industrial District.
1151.17   Nonconforming signs.
1151.99   Penalty.