A home occupation permitted in any residential district shall be in conformance with the following requirements:
   (a)   No persons other than those residing in the house shall engaged in the occupation.
   (b)   The occupation shall not involve the retail sale of merchandise manufactured off the premises except for products related directly to the service performed such as beauty products.
   (c)   No display of merchandise shall be visible from the street.
   (d)    The occupation shall not be a nuisance or cause undo disturbance in the neighborhood.
   (e)   No sign shall be permitted except 1 non-illuminated nameplate not more than two square feet in area mounted flat against the wall of the principal building in which the occupation is conducted.
   (f)    Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with the provisions set forth in Section 1153.09.
   (g)    The following home occupations shall be permitted. Other home occupations may be permitted by the Planning and Zoning Commission in accordance with the provisions of this section and the aforementioned requirements.
               Art instructor
               Child care home
               Home crafted products
               Insurance agent
               Music Teacher
               Notary Public
               Tax consultant
      (h)    Home occupations shall occupy no more than 25% of the livable area which is a heated, finished area.
      (Ord. 2015-10. Passed 9-8-15.)