Subdivision lots shall conform to the following minimum standards:
(A) Lot dimensions and area shall conform to the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance.
(B) Platting of lots for multiple family commercial and industrial purpose shall include adequate space for off-street parking, service areas, service access or frontage access roads.
(C) Satisfactory access from a public street shall be provided for all lots.
(D) Double frontage lots shall be avoided, except where said lot abuts a collector or arterial roadway as stated in § 156.128(D).
(E) Corner lots shall be of extra width sufficient to maintain building lines of both streets as required in the Zoning Ordinance.
(F) Side lot lines shall be at right angles or radial to the street right-of-way.
(G) Excessive depth in relation to width of lots over two and one-half to one shall be avoided.
(H) Flag lots, being those lots land locked from a public right-of-way, except for a narrow tract of land of less width than required, shall be avoided except where development cannot be reasonably accomplished without their use. Any flag lots being proposed shall be accompanied with a statement of justification of purpose. Site design of flag lots will be judged on their own merits and shall be labeled as private access to the property in question. Flag lots shall provide adequate public access for fire protection. The minimum width for the narrow flag pole portion of a flag lot connecting it to the public right-of-way is 30 feet.
(I) Larger than normal lots or parcels shall be so arranged as to permit the logical location and opening of future streets and appropriate re-subdivision with provision for adequate utility connections for such re-subdivision. Dedication of easements or public right-of-way for future openings and extensions of such streets may be required.
(J) Residential lots fronting on a primary or secondary arterial street shall be avoided.
(K) Residential lot lines crossing creeks, streams and water courses shall be avoided.
(Ord. 2217, passed 11-4-2013)