The Director of Planning and Zoning, Public Works Director and developer shall determine the points of agreement and conflict between the conferees. The Director of Planning and Zoning shall have seven days after the pre-application conference to review and make written response to the sketch plan before acceptance of an application is made for a preliminary plat. Although comments may be made by the Director of Planning and Zoning, these comments are advisory. The Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council have the authority to reject or approve any proposed subdivision.
(Ord. 2217, passed 11-4-2013)
If the developer chooses to proceed after the required pre-application procedure in §§ 156.020 through 156.025, the developer shall commence with the preliminary plat procedures. Preliminary plats shall be prepared in conformance with the provisions of this chapter and in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. The developer shall be responsible for such conformance.
(Ord. 2217, passed 11-4-2013)
The preliminary plat application materials shall be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Department. The following shall be submitted with the application:
(A) Preliminary plat application information sheet with application fee;
(B) Eight copies at one-inch equals 100 feet scale and two 11" x 17" legible copy of the plat. In the case of a “phased” development, all phases must be included on the preliminary plat. One electronic pdf file of the plat;
(C) Three copies of the preliminary plat engineering plans, traffic impact study (unless waived by Public Works Director) and geotechnical report with pavement design;
(D) Statement listing all owners of record of the land being subdivided;
(E) Statement listing all waivers being sought in accordance with § 156.007;
(F) A list providing the property address, owner and their mailing address of all properties within 200 feet of the exterior boundaries of the plat, obtained from the County Recorder’s office;
(G) An electronic copy of the proposed subdivision in a format consistent with city engineering computer equipment and programs, if available without undue burden to the applicant; and
(H) Any other supplemental material as specified in this chapter or requested in the pre-application process.
(Ord. 2217, passed 11-4-2013)
Upon submittal the preliminary plat, the Planning and Zoning Department shall check the plat submittal to ensure all supplemental data and materials, as required in §§ 156.040 and 156.041 have been provided. The Planning and Zoning Department shall have the right to refuse the submittal of the preliminary plat and application should the required supplemental data not be shown or presented, unless otherwise instructed by the Director of Planning and Zoning.
(Ord. 2217, passed 11-4-2013)