(A)   Authorized representatives of charitable organizations exempt from federal taxation and/or nonprofit organizations, including those organizations operating under the provisions of Iowa Code Ch. 504 and/or are exempt from taxation under § 501 (c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code, shall be subject to the requirements of this chapter except that they shall not be required to submit permit fees, nor provide a bond, nor shall they be required to submit an application under § 111.05. In lieu of this application, all organizations shall be required to submit in writing to the City Clerk the following information:
      (1)   Name of organization;
      (2)   Federal identification number;
      (3)   A description of the proposed activity, including use for any money solicited;
      (4)   Period during which activities will take place;
      (5)   Whether any commissions, fees or wages are to be charged by the solicitor for his or her efforts and the amount thereof;
      (6)   Names and addresses of officers and directors of the organization; and
      (7)   Names and addresses of all people who will be soliciting or distributing in the name of the organization.
   (B)   If the Clerk finds the organization is a bona fide charity or nonprofit organization entitled to an exemption under this section and if the Clerk finds that all required information has been submitted in writing, then the Clerk shall issue a license free of charge. In the event the Clerk denies the exemption, the authorized representatives of the organization may appeal the decision to the City Administrator, as provided in § 111.15.
(Ord. 2334, passed 5-21-2018; Ord. 2407, passed 1-3-2022)