(A)   It shall be unlawful to pour or dispose of cooking oil, grease, lard and similar fatty substances by pouring them down a waste drain or garbage disposal. Similarly, it shall be unlawful to place wastewater containing oil, fat or grease (exclusive of petroleum substances) of concentrations greater than 100 mg/l, whether emulsified or not, or containing substances which may solidify or become viscous at the point of discharge into the sewer system.
   (B)   Customers that fail to prevent FOG from entering their sewer lateral lines and clogging the municipal sewer lines shall be subjected to a penalty by the Utilities Director after consulting with the Town Manager the same as failing to maintain a grease trap as set forth in the town’s fee schedule. This does not preclude the town from charging the more stringent fees for willful or repeated violations as in division (F) below.
   (C)   Grease, oil and sand separators (traps) shall be required by the town for the proper handling of liquid waste containing grease, oil and/or sand and/or other substances in excessive amounts. Gas stations, automotive repair shops, restaurants, cafeterias and other similar businesses shall provide grease, oil and/or sand separators. The Public Utilities Director shall determine where such installations are necessary and the minimum cleaning (pumping) schedule for said facilities.
   (D)   The minimum size for a grease trap shall be 1,100 gallons. Undersink type traps are prohibited.
   (E)   There shall be a daily fee as set forth in the town’s fee schedule for failure to pump or maintain grease traps or interceptors as directed by the Utilities Director after consulting with the Town Manager.
   (F)   There shall be a daily administrative fee or penalty for causing grease obstructions and/or sewer overflows. This penalty shall be directed by the Utilities Director after consulting with the Town Manager and shall be up to the amount specified in the town’s fee schedule.
   (G)   Commercial establishments that discharge FOG in amounts greater than 100 mg/l shall be charged a sewer surcharge for all organic loading parameters as discussed below for industrial users. Sampling and surcharge billing of such establishments shall follow the regulations below for industrial establishments, and they shall henceforth be treated under the rules and regulations for industrial users.
   (H)   Commercial establishments that prove, by a minimum of four consecutive quarterly samples, that they are no longer discharging excessive quantities of FOG shall be treated as regular commercial establishments from the date of the last sample forward. This does not preclude the town from taking further samples and possibly re-instituting the FOG surcharge as indicated.
(Ord. passed 5-3-2011; Ord. passed 9-11-2014) Penalty, see § 10.99