(A)   The Town Manager shall be the reviewing authority for all appeals of actions or administrative determinations under the provisions of these regulations. Notice of intent to appeal and request for a hearing shall be addressed to the Town Clerk in writing and shall detail the nature of the appeal. An early date for such hearing shall be set by the Town Manager and the appellant promptly notified in writing. The decision of the Town Manager after such a hearing shall be final and conclusive, and shall be conveyed to the person(s) involved in writing.
   (B)   The Town Council expressly reserves the absolute right to amend, modify, rescind or supplement this chapter.
   (C)   No modifications of rates, or any of these rules and regulations by any employee of the town shall be binding upon the town except and unless it has been agreed in writing, signed and accepted by the Town Council.
   (D)   Upon adoption of this chapter, any previous and conflicting policies and ordinances are hereby repealed.
(Ord. passed 5-3-2011; Ord. passed 9-11-2014)