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   (a)   General Design Requirements:
      (1)   Asphalt concrete pavements shall consist of specified thickness of asphalt concrete surface course and a base course, or courses, all constructed on prepared subgrade. Pavement thickness required shall be determined from Table 15 of this Ordinance for the appropriate subgrade soil and traffic use.
      (2)   Paved areas shall be so designed and constructed that water will quickly drain from the surface and be conducted away from the area through approved systems. For large paved areas, approved catch basins and storm drainage systems shall be provided.
      (3)   When the pavement includes a granular base, and the pavement is not constructed over granular subgrade, perimeter subsurface drainage shall be provided to prevent lateral flow of water into the base course and to provide for removal of seepage water than may enter the base.
      (4)   Successive layers of the pavement shall be offset from the edge of the underlying layer a distance equal to the course thickness of the lower layer except when abutting existing construction. When the asphalt layers of the pavement abuts a building foundation, barrier curb or similar vertical surface, the abutting surface shall be heavily painted with liquid asphalt prior to construction of the asphalt course.
   (b)   Construction Materials and Procedures:
      (1)   Subsurface Drainage
         (a)   Drainage tile, six (6) inch perforated tile or other approved types of similar capacity, where required by the Planning and Zoning Commission, or its duly authorized representative, shall be bedded at a depth of not less than twelve (12) inches below the bottom elevation of the granular base course. Aggregate for bedding and backfill shall all pass a 3/8 inch sieve and have not more than five (5) percent passing a No. 200 sieve. The slope of subsurface drains shall be not less than six (6) inches per one hundred (100) feet. All such drains shall be properly connected to outlet drains or to open ditches.
Asphalt Base
Type I or II
Granular Base
Type III or IV
Automobile Parking Facilities
Truck Parking Facilities
*   Thickness of surface and base is shown for each soil classification and street classification. The first number indicates the minimum thickness of asphalt concrete, which may be comprised of Asphalt Concrete Surface Course, Type I or II, if the surface course does not exceed two (2) inches. When surface thickness is more than two (2) inches, Asphalt Concrete Base I or II, as specified in Table 15, may be used for all but the upper one (1) inch wearing course, which must be Asphalt Concrete Surface Course I, or II, as specified in Table 15. The second figure indicates the thickness of base course of the type indicated. For example, 1 4 indicates one (1) inch surface and four (4) inches base.
**   Soils are classified into three (3) groups indicating their relative effectiveness as subgrade.
   A.   Granular soils that drain well; sand, gravel or combination of sand and gravel.
   B.   Silty clays, or lean clays, that retain considerable strength when wet. These are average subgrade soils.
   C.   Heavy clay soils that lose most of their strength when wet.
      (1)   All catch basins, in pavement with granular base, shall be constructed with weep holes, at subbase level, to provide for drainage of seepage water from the granular layer. Weep holes shall be constructed of pipe, or other material, having an opening not less than 1.5 inches clear opening. Suitable provision shall be made to prevent clogging of the opening. Three or more weep holes shall be suitably located around the perimeter of each catch basin.
      (2)   Base courses shall consist of one or more of the following materials. Construction procedures shall conform to the requirements applicable to the base course selected.
         (a)   Asphalt Concrete Base Course Materials and construction shall conform to the current requirements of the Kentucky Department of Highways' Specifications for Asphalt Concrete Base Course, Class I except as noted herein:
            (aa)   Composition requirements of the mixture shall conform to the gradation limits for Asphalt Concrete Base Course I or II set forth in Table 4 of this Ordinance. Asphalt content used shall fall within the range shown and shall be approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission, or its duly authorized representative.
            (bb)   Uncrushed gravel and natural sand may be used as aggregate provided all other requirements of specification are complied with.
         (b)   Asphalt Treated Base Course Materials and construction procedures shall conform to the following requirements:
            (aa)   Aggregates may be crushed or uncrushed material conforming to the gradation requirements, shown in Table 4 of this Ordinance for either Base II or Base IV. The aggregate shall be composed of hard, durable particles and shall contain no more than a total of five (5) percent deleterious substances. In addition, the Sand Equivalent of the aggregate shall not be less than twenty five (25) when tested in accordance with AASHO Designation: T 176 56. The contractor shall set a single gradation and asphalt content, which in the specified limits, as the Job Mix Formula to be used on the project. This formula must be approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission, or its duly authorized representative, prior to use. Gradation and asphalt content may vary during construction within the following tolerances:
               % Passing 3/4" or 3/8" Sieve    ± 10%
               % Passing No. 8 Sieve    ± 8%
               % Passing No. 50 Sieve    ± 6%
               % Passing No. 100 Sieve    ± 3%
               % Asphalt          ± .4%
            (bb)   Other construction requirements shall conform to those specified by the Kentucky Department of Highways for Asphalt Concrete except that a gradation unit on the plant shall not be required provided the aggregate can be controlled by other means to produce a consistently uniform gradation.
         (c)   Crushed Stone Base Course:
            (aa)   Crushed stone base course shall conform to the all-current requirements of the Kentucky Department for Dense Graded Aggregate Base Course.
      (3)   Asphalt Concrete Surface Course Materials and construction shall conform to the current requirements of the Kentucky Department of Highways for Asphalt Concrete Surface, Class I. Surface course mixture composition may conform to requirements of either Surface Course I or II as set forth in Table 4 of this Ordinance. Minimum course thickness shall be as stated in Table 4 of this Ordinance.
      (4)   Asphalt Prime and Tack Coat:
         (a)   Asphalt prime shall conform to the Kentucky Department of Highways' requirements for Cutback Asphalt Emulsion Primer Type L. Prime shall be applied to the surface of granular base course at a rate of 0.20 to 0.40 gallons per square yard.
         (b)   Tack coat shall consist of SS 1h, meeting the current requirements of the Kentucky Department of Highways. It shall, when directed by the Planning and Zoning Commission, or it duly authorized representative, be diluted with equal part of water. Application equipment and procedure shall conform to the requirements of the Kentucky Department of Highways for Tack Coats. Tack coat shall be applied, upon direction of the Planning and Zoning Commission, or its duly authorized representative, to the surface of asphalt courses that have become dusty or dry from traffic use before the subsequent course could be placed or in other circumstances when the Planning and Zoning Commission, or its duly authorized representative so directs.
2.   Soil Cement Base Course (with Asphalt Concrete Surface):
   a.   Description - soil cement base course shall consist of soil and cement uniformly mixed, moistened, compacted, finished and cured in accordance with the specifications herein, and it shall conform to the lines, grades, thicknesses and typical cross section shown on the plans.
   b.   Materials:
      (1)   Cement - cement shall comply with the latest specifications for cement, AASHO M85, M134, M151; or ASTM C150, C175, C205; or Federal SS C 192b, SS C 218 for the type specified. One (1) cubic foot of portland cement shall be considered to weight 94 lb. or 1 bbl. of cement shall be considered to weigh 376 lb.
      (2)   Water - water shall be free from substances deleterious to the hardening of the soil cement.
      (3)   Soil - soil shall consist of the material existing in the area to be paved, of approved selected soil, or of a combination of these materials proportioned as directed. The soil shall not contain gravel or stone retained on a three (3) inch sieve.
   c.   Construction Methods:
      (1)   Preparation - unsuitable soil or material shall be removed and replaced with acceptable soil. The subgrade shall be firm so as to support, without displacement, the construction equipment and the compaction hereinafter specified. Soft or yielding subgrade shall be corrected and made stable, before construction proceeds.
      (2)   Pulverization - the soil shall be so pulverized that, at the completion of moist mixing, 100 percent by dry weight passes a one inch (1") sieve, and a minimum of 80 percent passes a No. 4 sieve, exclusive of gravel or stone retained on these sieves.
      (3)   Cement Application, Mixing and Spreading - mixing of the soil, cement, and water shall be accomplished either by the mixed in place or the central plant mixed method.    No cement or soil cement mixture shall be spread when the soil or subgrade is frozen or when the air temperature is less than 40 degrees F. in the shade. The percentage of moisture in the soil, at the time of cement application, shall not exceed the quantity that will permit a uniform and intimate mixture of soil and cement during mixing operations, and it shall not exceed the specified optimum moisture content for the soil cement mixture. Any soil and cement mixture that has not been compacted and finished shall not remain undisturbed for more than 30 minutes. The soil cement base course shall have a thickness of not less than six (6) inches.
      (4)   Compaction - at the start of compaction, the percentage of moisture in the mixture and in unpulverized soil lumps, based on oven dry weights, shall not be below or more than two (2) percentage points above the specified optimum moisture content, and shall be less than that quantity which will cause the soil cement mixture to become unstable during compaction and finishing. The specified optimum moisture content and density shall be determined in the field by a moisture density test, AASHO T 34 57 or ASTM D558 57, on representative samples of soil cement mixture obtained from the area being processed. Prior to the beginning of compaction, the mixture shall be in a loose condition for its full depth. The loose mixture then shall be uniformly compacted to the specified density within two (2) hours. During compaction operations, shaping may be required to obtain uniform compaction and required grade and cross section.
      (5)   Finishing - after compaction the surface of the soil cement shall be shaped to the required lines, grades and cross section. If necessary, during shaping operations, the surface of the base shall be lightly scarified to remove any tire imprints or smooth surfaces left by equipment. The resulting surface shall then be compacted to the specified density. Rolling shall be supplemented by broom dragging if required. The moisture content of the surface material must be maintained at not less than its specified optimum moisture content during finishing operations. Surface compaction and finishing shall be done in such a manner as to produce, in not longer than two (2) hours, a smooth, dense surface free of compaction plans, cracks, ridges or loose material. Any portion of the soil cement that has a density of five (5) lb. or more below that specified shall be corrected or replaced to meet these specifications.
      (6)   Curing - after the soil cement has been finished as specified herein, it shall be protected against drying for seven (7) days by the application of bituminous material. The curing material shall be applied as soon as possible but not later than twenty four (24) hours after the completion of finishing operations. The finished soil cement shall be kept continuously moist until the curing material is placed. The bituminous material specified shall be uniformly applied to the surface of the completed soil cement at the rate of approximately 0.2 gallon per square yard with approved heating and distributing equipment. At the time the bituminous material is applied the soil cement surface shall be dense, shall be free of all loose and extraneous material, and shall contain sufficient moisture to prevent penetration of the bituminous materials. Water shall be applied in sufficient quantity to fill the surface voids of the soil cement immediately before the bituminous curing material is applied. The curing material shall be maintained by the contractor during the seven (7) day protection period so that all of the soil cement will be covered effectively during this period. Sufficient protection from freezing shall be given the soil cement for seven (7) days after its construction and until it has hardened.
      (7)   Surfacing- asphaltic concrete shall be applied to the soil cement base course as regulated in SECTION 1.(b)(3) of this Appendix.
3.   Concrete Parking Areas:
   (a)   General Requirements thickness of concrete parking shall be:
      (1)   A minimum of six (6) inches for passenger cars and panel or pick up truck parking.
      (2)   A minimum of six (6) inches for driveways accommodating light trucks and for light truck parking.
      (3)   A minimum of seven (7) inches for heavier commercial or industrial needs.
   (b)   General Requirements concrete mix shall be:
      (1)   Minimum cement content 4,000 psi air entrained concrete.
      (2)   Maximum size of aggregate 1 1/2 inches.
      (3)   Maximum water content 0.49 lb./1 lb. of cement (5.5 gal. bag).
      (4)   Maximum slump Four (4) inches.
      (5)   Air entrainment - Maximum Size Entrained
                  Aggregate (inches)   Air (percent)
                   1 1/4          5 ± 1
                   3/4, 1          6 ± 1
                   3/8, 1/2       7 1/2 ± 1
   (c)   Construction Procedures:
      (1)   All soft and yielding material and other portions of the subgrade which will not compact readily when rolled or tamped shall be removed and replaced with suitable material placed and compacted. The subgrade shall be thoroughly compacted with suitable equipment so as to have uniform density at moisture contents of not less than standard optimum (AASHO T98).
      (2)   Longitudinal joint spacing shall not exceed 12.5 feet.
      (3)   Transverse joint spacings shall be at regular intervals of twenty (20) feet.
      (4)   All transverse construction joints shall have a depth equal to one (1) fourth of the pavement thickness.
      (5)   Form offsets at radius points shall be at least two (2) feet.
      (6)   Pavement joints must be continuous through the curbs.
      (7)   Where curbs are required they shall be cast integrally.
      (8)   The pavement shall be struck off, consolidated, and finished to the grades shown on the plans. All catch basins and manhole castings shall be boxed out and separated from the pavement with expansion joint material. All except premolded or sawed joints shall be edged with a tool having a maximum radius of 1/8 inches. Sawed and formed joints shall be cleaned and sealed according to Kentucky Department of Highways specifications for sealed joints before opening to traffic. Final surface texture shall be that obtained with a burlap drag. Curing shall be that obtained with a uniform coverage of white membrane curing compound or by seven (7) day coverage of white polyethylene of water proof paper. The completed pavement shall be closed to traffic for seven (7) days.
For all buildings and structures erected, altered or extended, and all uses of land established as specified herein, after the effective date of this Ordinance, off street loading and/or unloading facilities shall be provided as required by the regulations herein. However, where a building permit has been issued prior to the date of the adoption of this Ordinance, and provided that construction has not begun within ninety (90) days of such effective date, off street loading and/or unloading facilities in the amounts required by this Ordinance shall prevail.
Off street loading and/or unloading facilities shall be provided in accordance with the following regulations:
   A.   SPACES REQUIRED: Every building, structure, or part thereof, erected and occupied for manufacturing, storage, warehousing, department stores, wholesale stores, retail stores, market, hotel, hospital, laundry, dry cleaning, dairy, mortuary and other uses similarly involving the receipt of distribution of vehicles, materials, or merchandise and having up to five thousand (5,000) square feet of gross floor area shall be provided with at least one (1) loading and/or unloading space. One (1) additional loading and/or unloading space shall be provided for every additional ten thousand (10,000) square feet, or fraction thereof, of gross floor area in the building. If sufficient proof can be shown that less than these requirements (only that part which has to do with over five thousand (5,000) square feet) will be satisfactory for the operation in question, the Zoning Administrator may reduce these requirements.
   B.   SIZE OF OFF STREET LOADING AND/OR UNLOADING SPACE: Each off street loading and/or unloading space shall be at least twelve (12) feet in width and at least sixty (60) feet in length, exclusive of aisle and maneuvering spaces and shall have a vertical clearance of at least fourteen (14) feet; provided, however, that when it is demonstrated that a particular loading and/or unloading space will be used by shorter trucks, the Zoning Administrator may reduce the minimum length to thirty five (35) feet.
   C.   LOCATION: All required loading and/or unloading spaces shall be located on the same zoning lot as the use served. No loading and/or unloading space for vehicles over two ton capacity shall be closer than fifty (50) feet to any property in a residential zone unless completely enclosed by a fence, wall, or screen as regulated by Article XII of this Ordinance. No loading and/or unloading space shall be located in any required yards except as herein provided.
   D.   ACCESS: Each required off street loading and/or unloading space shall be designed with direct access via an approved access drive, to a deeded right of way which offers satisfactory ingress and egress for trucks. Access drives or aisles shall be laid out with a width of at least twelve (12) feet for one (1) way circulation and at least twenty four (24) feet for two (2) way circulation. Off street loading and/or unloading space shall be so designed and constructed so that all maneuvering for loading and/or unloading can take place entirely within the property lines of the premises. Such off street loading and/or unloading space shall be so located as not to hinder the free movement of pedestrians and vehicles over a sidewalk, street, road, highway or deeded rights of way.
   E.   ENLARGEMENT OF BUILDING: The off street loading and/or unloading requirements, as listed in this article of the ordinance, shall apply at the time any building is enlarged or increased in capacity by adding floor area.
      1.   Surfacing: All off street loading and unloading spaces shall be paved subject to the provisions in Appendix A - Surfacing Specifications of this Ordinance.
      2.   Lighting: Any lighting used to illuminate off street loading and/or unloading areas shall be directed away from property in any residential zone in such a way as not to create a nuisance.
      3.   Space allocated to any off street loading and/or unloading space: Shall not be used to satisfy the space requirements for any off street parking facilities or portion thereof.
   G.   OFF STREET LOADING AND/OR UNLOADING PLAN APPROVAL REQUIRED: Plans for all loading and/or unloading facilities shall be submitted to the Zoning Administrator for review and for compliance with the provisions of this Ordinance and such other pertinent ordinances of the City of Newport. Such plans shall show the exact proposed layout of all loading and/or unloading areas, drives and accessories, entrances and exits, type of surface to be used, typical cross sections of pavement, base and subbase, location of lighting facilities, storm drainage facilities, proposed grade of off street loading or unloading area, and such other information or plans as the circumstances may warrant.
   H.   Any dumpsters in any zone within the municipality shall be screened from view by a wall or fence.
The regulations set forth herein shall apply and govern signs in all zones except as otherwise specifically provided within this Ordinance.
   A.   Notwithstanding any part of this Ordinance to the contrary, all business and identification signs, as defined in SECTION 7.0 of this Ordinance, shall be deemed accessory uses and all advertising signs as defined in SECTION 7.0 of this Ordinance, shall be deemed nonaccessory uses.
   B.   No sign shall be erected, maintained or continued unless it is in full compliance with the regulations for the zone in which it is located, all applicable provisions and regulations of this Ordinance or any other applicable laws, codes or ordinances of the City of Newport. The Zoning Administrator shall have the duty and authority to remove or cause to have removed any sign not in full compliance with all applicable provisions and regulations of this Ordinance or any other applicable laws, codes, or ordinances of the City of Newport when the owner or agent has failed to comply within the time specified by the Zoning Administrator to make said sign comply. Said owner or agent shall bear the full costs of such removal and shall be billed accordingly.
   C.   No signs shall be erected, maintained, replaced, relocated, repaired, or restored within a distance of six hundred sixty (660) feet of the right of way of any interstate highways, limited access highway, or turnpike except as provided for in KRS 177.830 177.890 and approved of by the Kentucky State Highway Department District Office No. 6, as amended.
      1.   CONTINUANCE: Except as herein specified, any nonconforming sign may be continued in operation and maintained after the effective date of this ordinance; provided, however, that no such sign shall be changed in any manner that increases the noncompliance of such sign with the provisions of this ordinance for the zone in which such sign is located.
      2.   TERMINATION: Any one of the following acts or conditions shall terminate, immediately, the right to operate or maintain a nonconforming sign.
         a.   Not meeting the requirements of Section 15.1 (B) of this Ordinance.
         b.   Changing to a conforming sign.
         c.   Abandonment. Abandonment shall be deemed to have occurred when the nonconforming activity ceases to operate and/or the premises are vacated so as to leave the property unoccupied for a period of at least three (3) consecutive calendar months.
         d.   Nonoperative or nonuse of said nonconforming sign.
         e.   Any sign, including all existing hardware, which meets the requirements of Section D.2. shall be removed within the time requirements as specified of Article XVI, Section 16.11.
      3.   ZONE CHANGE: The foregoing provisions shall also apply to signs, which become nonconforming due to zone changes which take place hereafter.
   E.   Notwithstanding any part of this Ordinance to the contrary, no sign constituting a nuisance, because of light, glare, focus, noise, animation, flashing, intensity of illumination as to unduly disturb the use of surrounding properties, as determined by the Zoning Administrator, or causing a traffic hazard, shall be erected, maintained, or continued in any zone.
   F.   Notwithstanding any part of this Ordinance to the contrary, no radio, phonograph, tape recorder, whistle, bell, gong, siren, or other sound or noise making or transmitting device or instrument shall be allowed, permitted, or continued in connection with any sign or may it be used separately for advertising purposed in any zone.
   G.   Notwithstanding any part of this Ordinance to the contrary, no sign shall be erected, maintained, or continued which constricts the flow of air through any window or door.
   H.   Notwithstanding any part of this Ordinance to the contrary, no sign shall be erected, maintained, or continued which is misleading, fraudulent, obscene, immoral, indecent, or unsightly in character as determined by the Zoning Administrator.
   I.   Notwithstanding any part of this Ordinance to the contrary, no advertising sign, except those of governmental entity, shall be erected, maintained or continued unless the name of the company or person owning, maintaining or erecting said sign is plainly displayed thereon.
   J.   No sign shall be erected, maintained or continued over or into any street, public way or alley right of way, unless specifically provided for within this Ordinance.
   K.   It shall be unlawful and a violation of this Ordinance for any person to fasten, place, paint or attach in any way; any sign, handbill, poster, advertisement, or notice of any kind, whether political or otherwise or cause the same to be done in or upon any curbstone, lamp post, telephone pole, telegraph pole, electric light or power pole, hydrant, bridge, culvert, public drinking fountain, public trash container, courtesy benches, rest station buildings, tree, or in or upon any portion of any public sidewalk, street or sign except as specifically permitted within this ordinance.
   L.   No sign shall be erected, maintained or continued upon the inside of a curve of a street, which causes any interference to sight distance in the opinion of the Zoning Administrator.
   M.   No sign shall be erected unless otherwise provided for in this ordinance, maintained or continued displaying flashing or intermittent lights, or lights of changing degrees of intensity, except a sign indicating time or temperature, with changes altering on not less than a five second cycle when such time or temperature sign does not constitute a public safety or traffic hazard, in the judgment of the Zoning Administrator.
   N.   Notwithstanding any part of this Ordinance to the contrary, no sign shall be erected, maintained or continued in any zone which does not comply fully with SECTION 12.0 of this Ordinance except as specifically permitted within this Ordinance.
   O.   Notwithstanding any part of this Ordinance to the contrary, no sign shall be erected, maintained, or continued in zones except as provided for in SECTION 15.1 D (1) unless the sign complies with all of the following regulations:
      1.   Is erected and maintained to advertise a use specifically permitted in the zone in which the sign is located, or for a nonconforming use subject to the limitations contained in SECTION 15.1 Subsection D of this ordinance regarding nonconformance uses.
      2.   Is clearly incidental, customary to and commonly associated with the operation of the use being advertised.
      3.   Is established and controlled under and by the same ownership as the use being advertised.
      4.   Is limited in location to the premises on which the use being advertised is located.
      5.   Is limited in subject matter to the name, design, picture or phone number and address of owner, operator, builder, sales agent, managing agent, lessor, lessee, of the premises or of the activities (including merchandise handled or services rendered) on the premises on which such sign is located and does not include any general commercial advertising unrelated to or extending in substantial degrees beyond the specifically permitted subject.
      6.   Compliance with the exemptions listed in SECTION 15.2 of this Ordinance.
   P.   Notwithstanding any part of this Ordinance to the contrary, when any sign becomes defective or dangerous as determined by the Building Department, the Zoning Administrator shall have the power and the authority to remove or cause to have removed such sign when the owner or agent has failed to comply within the time specified by the Zoning Administrator to repair or make said sign safe or has failed to satisfy the Building Department that the sign is not defective or dangerous. The owner or agent of said sign shall bear the full costs of such removal and shall be billed accordingly. If the Building Department determines that said sign is of possible immediate danger to persons or vehicles, which may be passing nearby, the Zoning Administrator shall place or cause to have places, signs or barriers indicating such danger.
   Q.   Notwithstanding any part of this Ordinance to the contrary, whenever any sign which does not comply with the provisions and regulations of this Ordinance, collapses, burns, or if said sign is removed from its location, except for normal maintenance, said sign shall not be replaced or reconstructed, except in full compliance with all of the provisions and regulations of this Ordinance.
   R.   Notwithstanding any part of this Ordinance to the contrary, the Zoning Administrator shall have the power and authority to remove or cause to have removed any and all signs which the City Engineer determines to be a traffic hazard, when the owner or agent responsible for the maintenance of said sign has failed to eliminate such traffic hazards within two (2) weeks from the date that the written notice is mailed by the Zoning Administrator. SAID OWNER OR AGENT SHALL BEAR THE FULL COSTS OF SUCH REMOVAL AND SHALL BE BILLED ACCORDINGLY.
   S.   Except as otherwise specified in this Ordinance, signs shall be in conformance with the City of Newport's Building Code where applicable and shall be subject to the inspection and approval by the Building Inspector.
   T.   For the purpose of directing attention to commercial uses of City owned property, the City may erect one directional sign at each entrance of the zone in which the uses are located. Such signs shall be Class 8 and shall conform to the provisions of this article.