(A) The Commission shall prepare a comprehensive plan, which shall serve as a guide for public and private actions and decisions to assure the development of public and private property in the most appropriate relationships.
(B) The elements of the plan may be expressed in words, graphics or other appropriate forms.
(C) They shall be interrelated and each element shall describe how it relates to each of the other elements and to the statement of objectives, principles, policies and standards.
(1995 Code, § 2.60.070)
The comprehensive plan for the City shall contain, as a minimum, the following elements:
(A) A statement of goals and objectives, principles, policies and standards, which shall serve as a guide for the physical development and economic and social well-being of the City;
(B) A land use plan element, which shall show proposals for the most appropriate, economic, desirable and feasible patterns for the general location, character, extent and interrelationship of the manner in which the community should use its public and private land at specified times as far into the future as is reasonable to foresee; (The land uses may cover, without being limited to public and private, residential, commercial, industrial, agricultural and recreational land uses.)
(C) A transportation plan element, which shall show proposals for the most appropriate, desirable, economic and feasible pattern for the general location, character and extent of the channels, routes and terminals for transportation facilities for the circulation of persons and goods for specified times as far into the future as is reasonable to foresee; (The channels, routes and terminals may include, without being limited to all classes of highways or streets, railways, airways, waterways, routings for mass transit trucks and the like and terminals for people, goods or vehicles related to highways, airways, waterways and railways.)
(D) A community facilities plan element which shall show proposals for the most desirable, appropriate, economic and feasible pattern for the general location, character and extend of public and semi-public buildings, land and facilities for specified times as far into the future as is reasonable to foresee; and (The facilities may include, without being limited to parks and recreation, schools and other educational or cultural facilities, libraries, churches, hospitals, social, welfare and medical facilities, utilities, fire stations, police stations, jails or other public offices or administrative facilities.)
(E) The comprehensive plan may include any additional elements such as, without being limited to community renewal, housing, flood control, pollution, conservation, natural resources and other programs which, in the judgment of the Commission, will further serve the purposes of the comprehensive plan.
(1995 Code, § 2.60.080)
All elements of the comprehensive plan shall be based upon, but not limited to the following research, analysis and projections:
(A) An analysis of the general distribution and characteristics of past and present population and a forecast of the extent and character of future population as far into the future as is reasonable to foresee;
(B) An economic survey and analysis of the major existing public and private business activities, and a forecast of future economic levels or conditions as far into the future as is reasonable to foresee;
(C) Research and analysis as to the nature, extent, adequacy and the needs of the community for the existing land and building use, transportation and community facilities in terms of their general location, character and extent; and
(D) Additional background information for the elements of the comprehensive plan may include any other research, analysis and projections which, in the judgment of the Commission, will further serve the purposes of the comprehensive plan.
(1995 Code, § 2.60.090)
(A) The Commission shall prepare and adopt the statement of objectives and principles to act as a guide for the preparation of the remaining elements and the aids to implementing the plans.
(B) The statement shall be presented for consideration, amendment and adoption by the Board of Commissioners.
(C) During its preparation and that of the other plan elements, it shall be the duty of the commission to consult with public officials and agencies, boards of health, school boards, public and private utility companies, civic, education, professional and other organizations and with citizens.
(1995 Code, § 2.60.100)
(A) All elements of the comprehensive plan shall be prepared with a view towards carrying out the statement of objectives, principles, policies and standards of the City. The various elements may be adopted as they are completed or as a whole when all have been completed.
(B) The Commission shall hold a public hearing and adopt the elements by a regulation which may be carried only by a simple majority vote of the total Commission membership. The comprehensive plan elements, and their research basis, shall be reviewed from time to time in light of social, economic, technical and physical advancements or changes.
(1995 Code, § 2.60.110)