For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
OPERATING AGENCY. The operating agency for the Riverfront Area shall be the City.
RIVERFRONT AREA. Includes the public areas commonly known as the area north of Fourth Street to the Ohio River, bounded on the east by the City of Bellevue and on the west by the Licking River. Public walkways, public parks, public parking lots, public parking areas, the publicly-owned river banks and the publicly-owned flood walls and flood wall levees and flood wall rights-of-way.
SPECIAL USE. Includes, but is not limited to public meetings, music concerts, parades, fireworks display, festivals and races.
(1995 Code, § 12.20.010)
(A) No person, group of persons or other entity shall be permitted to use the public areas of the Riverfront Area for a special use, except in accordance with the terms of the permit issued by the City.
(B) All permits shall contain the following minimum requirements.
(1) Groups, organizations or associations applying for a permit shall pay, in advance, the estimated reasonable costs of cleaning the Riverfront Area after the use and shall agree, in writing, to be responsible for repairing damage to the area, its appurtenances, facilities and landscaping which, in any way, arises out of the proposed use of the Riverfront Area.
(2) Any person issued a permit to use the Riverfront Area under the authorization of this subchapter shall keep the permit on his or her person during the activity and show it upon request.
(3) Any person issued a permit to use the Riverfront Area under the authorization of this subchapter shall comply with all applicable business and licensing requirements contained in Chapter 37 and Title XI contained herein.
(C) The posting of a bond or an insurance policy and the hiring of off-duty Newport police officers or other peace officers to protect the public and the City from any loss, injuries or damage that may arise from the use may be a requirement of permits granted.
(1995 Code, § 12.20.020) Penalty, see § 92.99