§ 56.14 CURBING.
   (A)   All curbing will be installed according to curb and gutter detail drawing types A., B., and C., in the subdivision regulations.
   (B)   As soon as newly placed concrete acquires an initial set but no more than 12 hours after placing, an approved method of curbing shall be initiated which will not discolor or disfigure the curbing and gutter.
   (C)   Newly poured curb and gutter shall be closed to traffic for a period of 48 hours when the temperature is above 50 degrees Fahrenheit and for a period of 72 hours when the temperature is between 35 degrees and 50 degrees Fahrenheit.
   (D)   Only with the consent of the Street Commissioner will concrete be permitted to be placed as curb and gutter when the temperature is below 35 degrees Fahrenheit.
(1989 Code, § 56.14)
Cross section:
   For permit, see § 36.01