   In "R-2" Residential Districts, the following limitations and requirements shall apply:
   (a)   Height. No dwelling shall exceed thirty-five feet or two and one-half stories in height. Other permitted buildings except accessory buildings may be built to a greater height provided any such building sets back from every street and lot line, one foot for each two feet of height of the building in excess of thirty-five feet, in addition to the other yard and set-back requirements herein specified.
   (b)   Rear Yards. There shall be a rear yard on every lot in an “R-2" Residential District which rear yard shall have a minimum depth of 30 feet between the building constructed on said lot and the rear yard boundary line.
      Accessory buildings no greater in height than the main buildings on the same or adjacent lots nor greater in height than fifteen feet may be located in the rear yard; provided, such accessory buildings come not nearer than three feet to any lot line nor nearer than six feet to another accessory building nor near than twelve feet to a main building unless attached thereto.
      In the case of a corner lot, no wall of an accessory building shall be nearer to a side line than the line of the main building and it shall be as far from the side street line as the minimum set-back required for the main building.
   (c)   Side Yards. There shall be a side yard on each side of every building except as heretofore provided for accessory buildings. The minimum width of any side yard and the least sum of the widths of both side yards, shall be not less than as follows:
         There shall be a side yard on each side of every building, used for residential living purposes, with at least a length of 15 feet from the side property boundary lines.
   (d)   Set-back Line. No building shall be erected, reconstructed or altered, so as to project in any manner beyond a line which is distant from the street line, the average distance therefrom of the buildings fronting on the same side of the street within the same block.
      No building shall be erected, reconstructed or altered so as to project in any manner beyond a line which is a distance from the street line a length of 30 feet. The above provisions do not include steps, uncovered porches, and covered but unenclosed porches on the first story which do not extend more than ten feet in front of the front wall of the building provided, however, that no such part of the building shall be nearer than ten feet to the street line.
   (e)   Lot Area. The minimum lot area requirements shall be not less than as follows:
      One-family dwelling---5000 sq. ft.
      Two-family dwelling---6000 sq. ft.
      Multi-family dwellings:
      Three dwelling units---7000 sq. ft.
      Four dwelling units---8000 sq. ft.
      Dwellings or apartments housing more than four families shall have a lot area of not less than eight than 8000 square feet, which such area shall be increased for each additional family or dwelling unit in excess of four as follows:
         No. of rooms (1). Lot area required per dwelling unit 900 square feet.
         No. of rooms (3). Lot area required per dwelling unit 1200 square feet.
         No. of rooms (4) or more. Lot area required per dwelling unit (1500) sq. ft.
      In the case of dwelling or apartment buildings having more than four dwelling units, the rooms used only for living and sleeping purposes shall be included in the count.
   (f)   Distance from Adjacent Buildings. The minimum distance between main buildings on adjacent lots shall be not less than as follows:
         No. of stories (1) and (1 1/2). Minimum distance between buildings ten feet.
         No. of stories (2) and (2 1/2). Minimum distance between buildings twelve feet.
   (g)   Gross Area of Buildings. No more than forty percent (40%) of the area of any lot may be covered by dwelling and other accessory buildings.
   (h)   Dimensions of Dwellings. The minimum horizontal dimension of any dwelling shall be not less than twenty-four feet, and the minimum ground floor area shall be not less than 576 square feet.
      (Ord. 1989-7. Passed 7-27-89; Ord. 1996-3(c). Passed 7-8-96; Ord. 2018-06. Passed 9-10-18.)
   In a "BC" Business District the following limitations and requirements shall apply:
   (a)   Height. No building shall exceed forty-five feet or three stories in height, except that churches, hospitals, schools or any other public building permitted may be built to a greater height, provided any such building set back from every street and lot line, one foot for each two feet of height of building in excess of forty-five feet, in addition to the other yard and set-back requirements herein specified.
   (b)   Rear Yard. There shall be a rear yard on every lot in a “BC” Business and Commercial District which rear yard shall have a minimum depth of 50 feet between the building constructed on said lot and the rear yard boundary line. Every building not used exclusively for residence purposes or as an accessory building thereto and extending back to an alley shall provide on such lot adequate space for the loading and unloading of trucks and commercial vehicles servicing such building, provided however, that the loading space requirements may be modified however, or waived by the Planning Commission in the case of a bank, theater, assembly hall or other building or similar limited loading space requirements. Every building or part of a building used for residence purposes shall have a rear yard, the minimum depth of which shall be not less than twenty feet, which depth shall be increased by three feet for each story above the first story.
      Accessory buildings no greater in height than the main building on the same lot nor greater in height than fifteen feet may be located in a rear yard, provided the accessory buildings occupy not more than twenty-five percent (25%) of the rear yard area.
   (c)   Side Yard. There shall be a side yard on each side of every building, used for Business or Commercial purposes, with at least a length of 15 feet from the side property boundary lines.
      Where a building is designed for both commercial and dwelling purposes, outer courts may be substituted in lieu of side yards for that part of the building used for dwelling purposes. At any given level such outer court shall be one foot in width for each two feet of height of the highest wall abutting such court but in no cases shall such width be less than five feet.
      Whenever any room in which people live or sleep cannot be lighted and ventilated from a street, rear yard, side yard or outer court, an inner court must be provided. Any any given level such inner court shall be at least nine inches wide for each one foot of height of the highest wall abutting such inner court but in no case shall an inner court be less than ten feet wide.
   (d)   Set-back Line. No building shall be erected, reconstructed or altered so as to project in any manner beyond a line which is a distance from the street line a length of 50 feet. Where the mutual boundary of a "BC" Business and Commercial District and any Residential District occurs within a city block, the set-back, line requirements for the lots included in the "BC" Business and Commercial District shall be a continuance of the set-back line requirements of the Residential District portion of the block except that with the approval of the Planning Commission, an intersecting alley may be used as a point of transition for a set-back line requirements.
      No cornice, eave, balcony or any other part of any building in the "BC" Business and Commercial District shall extend beyond the street line above grade.
      A detachment or detached dwelling erected, reconstructed or altered in a "BC" Business and Commercial District, shall conform to the set-back line requirements of Section 1173.05(d).
   (e)   Lot Area. The minimum lot area requirements for dwellings shall be as required by Section 1173.05(e). Minimum lot areas shall not be required for other types of permitted buildings except such area as is incidental to the requirements specified elsewhere in the Zoning Ordinance.
   (f)   Gross Area of Buildings. No more than forty percent (40%) of the area of any lot may be covered by a detached dwelling and its accessory buildings.
      Other permitted buildings shall not be restricted in gross area except as is incidental to the other requirements of this Section.
   (g)   Dimensions of Buildings. The minimum horizontal dimension of any detached dwelling shall be not less than twenty-eight feet, and the minimum ground floor area shall be not less than 896 square feet. There shall be no minimum requirements for dimensions and areas for other permitted buildings.
      (Ord. 1989-7. Passed 7-27-89; Ord. 1996-3(d). Passed 7-8-96; Ord. 2018-06. Passed 9-10-18.)
   In a "L-1" Light Industrial District the following limitations and requirements shall apply:
   (a)   Height. No building shall exceed seventy-five feet or six stories in height unless that portion of the building which is higher be set back from every street and lot line, one foot for each three feet of height in excess of seventy-five feet or six stories.
   (b)   Rear Yard. Along any boundary line between an Industrial District and Residential District, a rear yard shall be required; except as hereinafter provided the minimum depth of such rear yard shall be not less than sixteen feet, increased by two feet for each story above the first story, provided however, that the width of abutting alleys may be included in the rear yard measurements. Every building not used exclusively for residence purposes or as an accessory thereto and extending back to an alley, shall provide on such lot adequate space for the loading and unloading of trucks and commercial vehicles serving such building, provided however, that the Planning Commission may modify or waive loading space requirements for such buildings and uses the nature of which does not require such loading space.
      Every building or part of building used for residence purposes shall have a rear yard, the minimum depth of which shall not be less than twenty feet, which depth shall be increased by three feet for each story above the first story.
      Accessory buildings no greater in height than the main building on the same lot nor greater in height than fifteen feet, may be located in the rear yard, provided the accessory buildings occupy not more than twenty-five percent (25%) of the rear yard area.
   (c)   Side Yard. There shall be a side yard on the abutting side of any building abutting a Residential District, which side yard shall have a minimum width of not less than five feet increased by one foot for each story above the first story except as hereinafter provided. Intervening streets or alleys may be included in the side yard measurements. There shall be a side yard on each side of every building or portion of a building used as a dwelling, which side yard shall have a minimum width of not less than five feet, increased by one foot for each story above the first story.
   (d)   Set-back Line. Where the mutual boundary of an Industrial District and any Residential District occurs within a city block the set-back line requirements of the lots included in the Industrial District shall be a continuance of the set-back line requirements of the Residential District portion of the block except that with the approval of the Planning Commission, an intersecting alley may be used as a point of transition for set-back line requirements. A detached dwelling erected, reconstructed, or altered in an Industrial District shall conform to the requirements of Section 1173.05(h).
   (e)   Dimensions of Buildings. The minimum horizontal dimensions of any detached dwelling shall be not less than twenty-four feet and the maximum ground floor area shall be not less than 672 square feet.
      There shall be no minimum requirements for dimensions and areas of other buildings.
   (f)   Gross Area of Buildings. No more than forty percent (40%) of the area of any lot may be covered by a detached dwelling and its accessory buildings.
      Other permitted buildings shall not be restricted in gross area except as is incidental to the other requirements of this Section.
      (Ord. 1989-7. Passed 7-27-89; Ord. 2018-06. Passed 9-10-18.)
   (EDITOR’S NOTE: Former Section 1173.07 was repealed by Ordinance 1996-10, passed July 8, 1996.)
   (EDITOR’S NOTE: Former Section 1173.08 was repealed by Ordinance 1996-11, passed July 8, 1996.)