For the purpose of this Zoning Ordinance, the Village is divided into the following districts:
"R" Limited Residential District.
"R-1" Residential District.
"R-2" Residential District.
"BC" Business and Commercial District.
"L-1" Light Industrial District.
(Ord. 1989-7. Passed 7-27-89; Ord. 1996-10. Passed 7-8-96; Ord. 1996-11. Passed 7-8-96; Ord. 2018-06. Passed 9-10-18.)
The boundaries of such districts are established as shown by symbols upon the map designated as the Zone Map which accompanies and is made a part of the Zoning Ordinance. Such Map and all notations, references and other information shown thereon shall be as much a part of the Zoning Ordinance, as if the matters and information set forth by such Map were fully written and described herein. Except as hereinafter provided, no building or structure shall be erected or altered, nor shall any building or premises be used for any purpose other than a use permitted in the district in which such building, structure or premises is located.
(Ord. 1989-7. Passed 7-27-89.)