905.03  PERMIT.
   (a)   Required.  It shall be unlawful for any person to dig up , break , excavate, tunnel, undermine or in any manner break up any street, to make or cause to be made an excavation in or under the surface of any street for any purpose or to place, deposit or leave upon any street any earth or other excavated material obstructing or tending to interfere with the free use of the street unless such person shall first have obtained an excavation permit therefor from the City Recorder as herein provided. Applications and permits will be on forms provided by the City.
   (b)   Application.  No excavation permit shall be issued unless a written application for the issuance of an excavation permit is submitted to the Recorder and Street Commissioner. The written application shall give the location and dimension of the proposed opening, the purpose for which the opening is made, the kind of pavement or surface to be opened and the approximate time when the cut will be made. Permits will be issued only for cuts to be made within one week of the date of issue. The period of time allowed for closing the opening will be governed by its size and nature. It will also be required that all applications for subsurface structures be accompanied by a plan and typical cross section, which shall show as nearly as possible from records available, the location of the existing underground structures and the location of the proposed structure. No deviation from the approved plan will be permitted until such deviation has been approved.
   (c)   Insurance and Bond Required.  A street opening permit will be issued when the following provisions have been complied with:
      (1)   Satisfactory proof of public liability insurance, with fifty thousand dollars to one hundred thousand dollars limits and property damage insurance in the amount of twenty-five thousand dollars, to protect the applicant and the City.
      (2)   A bond, in the amount of five thousand dollars, conditioned on the faithful observance and compliance with all terms and conditions of the permit and the payment of any and all claims and demands which might become due in connection with any condition or activity relating to such permit.
      (3)   Exceptions to the requirements of subsections (c)(1) and (c)(2) hereof will be granted only when the requirements of a contract with the City for other  work require street openings or street paving and in the case of utilities whose franchise allows construction requiring street openings, unless otherwise directed by the Street Commissioner.
   (d)   Denial.  Permits will be denied if:
      (1)   The City has any outstanding obligations against the permittee.
      (2)   Previous work has been declared unsatisfactory by the Street Commissioner in a written report to Council and permittee, stating the reasons therefor.