Every person who shall, at any hotel, inn, eating, lodging or boarding house, or restaurant, receive or cause to be furnished any food or accommodation, with intent to defraud the owner or keeper of such hotel, inn, eating, lodging or board house, or restaurant, and any person who shall obtain credit at any hotel, inn, eating, lodging or boarding house, or restaurant, by the use of any false pretense or device, or by depositing in such hotel, inn, eating, lodging or board house, or restaurant, any baggage or property of less value than the amount of such credit, or if the bill of such person incurred, with such fraudulent intent, and any person who, after obtaining credit or accommodation at any hotel, inn, eating, lodging or boarding house, or restaurant, shall abscond from such hotel, inn, eating, lodging or boarding house, or restaurant, or shall remove or attempt to remove therefrom any baggage or personal property of any kind subject to the lien provided for in Section 5 Article 11, Chapter 38 (38-11-5) of the West Virginia Code, with intent to defraud the owner or keeper of such hotel, inn, eating, lodging or boarding house, or restaurant, without first having paid, satisfied or arranged all claims or bills for lodging, entertaining or accommodation, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not less than twenty-five dollars ($25.00) nor more than two hundred dollars ($200.00).