Exterior components of plumbing, processing, heating, cooling, and ventilating systems (including but not limited to piping, tanks, stacks, collectors, heating, cooling, and ventilating-equipment fans, blowers, ductwork, vents louvers, meters, compressors, motors, incinerators, ovens, etc.) shall not be directly visible at ground level. Any landscaping or structural means employed to screen exterior components of plumbing, processing, heating, cooling, and ventilating systems from direct view, shall appear as integrated parts of the buildings and shall be constructed of complementary and durable materials and finished in a texture and color scheme complementary to the overall architectural design. Any exterior components of plumbing, processing, heating, cooling, and ventilating systems and their screening devices which will be visible from upper floors of adjacent buildings shall be kept to a visible minimum, shall be installed in a neat and compact fashion and shall be painted in such a color as to allow their blending with their visual backgrounds.
(Ord. 2015-09. Passed 7-13-15.)