1119.11 VARIANCES.
   (a)   A variance may be sought for the construction of a sign, Permanent or Temporary, which does not comply with the provisions of Chapter 1118, the Sign Code of the Village of New London. A variance may be granted if the applicant can demonstrate the following:
(1)   The application of the Sign Code would substantially limit the applicant's ability to put the property to its highest and best use.
(2)   Neighboring property owners would not be detrimentally harmed by the grant of the variance.
(3)   The hardship suffered is unique to the property and was not created by the applicant for the variance.
   (b)   The Village of New London may impose conditions on the variance, as necessary, to further the purpose of the Sign Code and other applicable Municipal ordinances.
(Ord. 2015-09. Passed 7-13-15.)