In order to insure adequate vehicle access for uses, the following standards shall apply:
(a) Driveways: There shall be adequate provisions for ingress and egress to all uses. For single- or two family residential dwellings, driveways shall be a minimum of nine feet (9') in width. For all other uses, driveways shall be a minimum with of twenty-two feet (22') and may be located on more than one property. If loop drives are approved as part of the site plan review process, the width of an individual drive shall be at least eleven feet (11').
(b) Number of Drives: For parcels with continuous frontage under one hundred feet (100'), only one (1) driveway is permitted for ingress and egress. In the case of a corner lot, this driveway should be located on the street with the lower traffic volume. For parcels with more than one hundred feet (100') of frontage, a second driveway may be permitted.
(c) Conditional Approval of Driveways: As part of the site plan review process, the Planning and Zoning Commission may approve a site plan with a specific driveway location, with the condition that an agreement be first entered into between the property owner and the Village requiring that if a service road is constructed in the future, or if the opportunity for a shared driveway should present itself with development of adjacent property, one or more approved driveways shall be closed and measurements taken to utilize such service road or shared drive. Approval of driveways may also include restrictions on turning movements, locations or other requirements to ensure safe and efficient traffic movement.
(Ord. 2015-09. Passed 7-13-15.)