(a)   In all districts in connection with every use, there shall be provided at any time any building, structure or use is erected, developed or enlarged or increased in capacity, off street parking spaces of at least one hundred eighty square feet per space for motor vehicles as follows:
(1)   All residential uses - two for each dwelling unit.
(2)   Rooming or boarding house, tourist home, hotel or motel - one for each sleeping room or suite, plus two for the resident family or one for each employee.
(3)   Private club or lodge - one for each five members.
(4)   Church or temple - one for each five seats in main auditorium.
(5)   School (except high school or college) - one for each ten seats in auditorium or main assembly room, or one for each classroom, whichever is greater.
(6)   College or high school - one for each eight seats in auditorium or three for each classroom, whichever is greater.
(7)   Country club or golf club - one for each five members.
(8)   Community center, library, museum or art gallery - ten plus one additional for each 300 square feet of floor area in excess of 2,000 square feet.
(9)   Hospital, sanitarium, convalescent home, nursing home, home for the aged or similar institution - one for each three beds, plus one for each employee on the maximum working shift.
(10)   Theater or auditorium (except school auditorium), sports arena, stadium or gymnasium - one for each five seats or bench seating spaces.
(11)   Bowling lanes - five for each lane.
(12)   Mortuary for funeral home - one for each thirty square feet of floor space in parlors in individual funeral service rooms.
(13)   Restaurants, night clubs, cafes or similar eating or recreation or amusement establishments - one for each thirty square feet of floor area designated for service of customers.
(14)   Assembly or exhibition halls without fixed seats - one for each 100 square feet of gross floor area.
(15)   Retail store or personal service establishment except as otherwise specified within - one for each 100 square feet of gross floor area.
(16)   Furniture or appliance store, hardware store, wholesale establishments machinery or equipment sales and service - two plus one additional each 200 square feet of floor area 1,000 square feet.
(17)   Manufacturing or industrial establishment research or testing laboratory, creamery, bottling plant, warehouse or similar establishment - one for each two employees on the maximum working shift plus space to accommodate all trucks and other vehicles used in connection therewith.
(18)   Business offices - 1 parking space for each 200 square feet of total building space. (Ord. 2019-18. Passed 9-23-19.)
   (b)   Nothing in this Section shall be construed to prevent the collective provision of off-street parking facilities for two or more buildings or uses of similar character, provided the total of such collective off-street parking facilities shall not be less than the sum of the requirements for the various individual uses computed separately in accordance with the requirements of this Zoning Ordinance. A written agreement between the parties approved by the Solicitor and accepted by the Planning and Zoning Commission shall be filed with the application for a zoning certificate, stating that the proposed joint parking area will be developed and maintained jointly and by mutual agreement. The location of such joint parking shall conform to the location requirements of this Zoning Ordinance. The required parking facilities may be provided under public sponsorship, by private lease or purchase, or by any other means which will promote orderly development of space, diminish traffic hazards and relieve congestion in the streets. Where such publicly sponsored or other joint parking facilities are existing or planned for construction at the same time a use or uses requiring parking spaces is being developed, no additional parking spaces are required on the same lot as the use being developed, if the number of spaces at the other location is equal to those required by the use and the parking spaces will be within three hundred feet (300') of the proposed use.
(Ord. 2015-09. Passed 7-13-15.)