(a)   Roof Mounted Panels: Roof mounted panels shall not extend beyond the existing roof (width and height) of the structure to which they are attached. Roof mounted panels shall not exceed the height of the roof line on a pitched roof; panels may project vertically up to five feet above a flat roof line. Roof mounted panels are not permitted in a front yard or on the front roof plane of a structure.
   (b)   Ground Mounted Panels: Ground mounted panels shall be located in a side or rear yard only. Grounded mounted panels will not be permitted in front yards and shall not extend beyond the front of the building. Ground mounted panels shall maintain the setbacks required for accessory structures from property lines, and shall not be located in a platted easement. The side yard setback shall apply to all ground mounted panels whether measuring from a side or rear lot line. Ground mounted panels shall not exceed eight feet (8') in height and shall be fully screened from adjacent properties by fencing or structures (detached garages, other permitted accessory structure, etc.) or landscaping. Ground mounted panels shall be installed and arranged so as to avoid unreasonable glare projected onto neighboring properties.
   (c)   Exemptions: Solar panels less than two square feet in area and those installed within the right-of-way by a utility company of the village, and approved by the zoning commissioner, are not subject to the regulations set forth above.
(Ord. 2015-09. Passed 7-13-15.)