The intent and purpose of the Village in establishing standards for Home Occupations is to keep the uses permitted in "R" Districts basically for Residential use and to limit possibly objectionable uses from encroaching on Residential Districts.
(a)   Permitted occupations or professions will be accepted only as incidental and secondary to the use of the dwelling for residential purposes, conducted wholly within a dwelling by members of the resident family, and which do not occupy a floor area greater than one half of the area of the first floor area of the dwelling.
(b)   Only one employee, other than members of the immediate resident family may be employed in any Home Occupation without a variance granted by the Board of Zoning Appeals.
(c)   No home occupation shall be permitted which creates offensive noise, smoke, dust, heat, humidity, glare, electronic interference or otherwise create a nuisance or safety hazard to any adjacent or nearby property.
(d)   No goods produced off the premises may be brought to the property and sold on the premises.
(e)   No external alterations, construction, or reconstruction of the premises may be made to accommodate the home occupation.
(f)   No sign shall be used in connection with a Home Occupation other than one non-illuminated sign not more than six square feet in area.
      (Ord. 2015-09. Passed 7-13-15.)