(a)   Maximum Building Height: No building shall be erected or enlarged to exceed sixty-five feet (65').
   (b)   Lot Area and Width: There is no minimum lot width or minimum lot size for uses in the M-1 district.
   (c)   Setbacks and Yards (Principal Structure): For all lots of record see Chapter 1117.
(1)   Front yard: There shall be a minimum front yard of not less than 40'.
(2)   Side yard: No side yards are required except when a lot or tract of land abuts a residential district or land use; in such event, the side yard requirements shall be 40 feet.
(3)   Rear yard: No rear yards are required except when a lot or tract abuts a residential district or land use; in such event the rear yard requirements shall be not less than 40 feet.
(4)   Corner lots: The principal building and accessory structures shall have the same minimum setback distance from all street right-of-way lines as required for the front yard.
   (d)   Maximum Lot Coverage: The maximum percentage of the total lot area which may be occupied by both principal and accessory buildings for light industrial uses shall be eighty-five percent (85%).
   (e)   Parking Requirements: Parking Requirements shall be as regulated as stipulated in Chapter 1118.
   (f)   Signs: Signs shall be as regulated in Chapter 1119.
   (g)   Accessory Uses or Structures: Accessory structures may not be located closer to the public right-of-way than the principal structure.
   (h)   Trash and Garbage Control: All trash and garbage shall be stored in container systems which are located and enclosed so as to effectively screen them from view. Screening of trash and garbage areas shall meet the requirements of Chapter 1120. Container systems shall not be located in front yards.
(Ord. 2015-09. Passed 7-13-15.)