(a)   Maximum Building Height: No building shall be erected or enlarged to exceed sixty-five feet (65').
   (b)   Lot Area and Width: There is no minimum lot width or minimum lot size for uses in the C-3 District.
   (c)   Setbacks and Yards (Principal Structure): For all lots of record see Chapter 1117.
(1)   Front yard: There shall be a front yard of not less than 40'
(2)   Side yard: No side yards are required except when a lot or tract of land abuts a residential district or land use; in such event, the side yard requirements shall be 40 feet.
(3)   Rear yard: No rear yards are required except when a lot or tract abuts a residential district or land use; in such event the rear yard requirements shall be not less than 40 feet.
(4)   Corner lots: The principal building and accessory structures shall have the same minimum setback distance from all street right-of-way lines as required for the front yard.
   (d)   Maximum lot coverage of all buildings and accessory structures may not exceed eighty-five percent 85%.
   (e)   Parking Requirements: Parking Requirements shall be as regulated in Chapter 1118.
   (f)   Signs: Signs shall be as regulated in Chapter 1119.
   (g)   Accessory Uses or Structures: Accessory structures may not be located closer to the public right-of-way than the principal structure.
(Ord. 2015-09. Passed 7-13-15.)