(a)   Retail sales for medicine, food, carryout, clothing, discount and variety goods.
   (b)   Restaurants with or without drive-up or drive through facilities.
   (c)   Business, union, charitable, finance, professional, and consulting offices, medical clinics and doctors/dental offices.
   (d)   Laundromats/dry cleaning services.
   (e)   Public uses.
   (f)   Funeral homes.
   (g)   Personal service establishments such as barber shops, beauty/nail shops and tanning facilities.
   (h)   Florists.
   (i)   Antique sales.
   (j)   Churches and places of religions worship.
   (k)   Accessory buildings and uses customarily incidental to any permitted uses.
   (l)   Off-street parking lots.
   (m)   Private or non-profit clubs and lodges.
   (n)   Studios of art, dance, photography, or music.
   (o)   Outdoor vending machines.
   (p)   Hotels and motels.
   (q)   Car washes.
   (r)   Supermarkets, shopping centers.
   (s)   Theaters and concert halls.
   (t)   Printing shops having a retail office on the premises.
   (u)   Animal hospitals and veterinary offices where there are no outside runs or kennels.
   (v)   Banks and similar financial institutions.
   (w)   Nursing homes/congregate housing.
   (x)   Gasoline stations and automobile repair shops.
   (y)   Automotive, boat, manufactured/mobile home, or recreational vehicle sales and service.
   (z)   Multi-family residential apartments and/or mixed-use buildings (commercial on first floor and residential on upper floors).
(Ord. 2015-09. Passed 7-13-15.)