(a)   Specialized retail uses and shops including women's or men's apparel, shoes, antique shops, jewelry stores, gift shops, studios of art, dance, photography or music, bookstores (other than adult book stores) and coffee shops.
   (b)   Sit down restaurants.
   (c)   Business, union, charitable, finance, professional, and consulting offices, medical clinics and doctors/dental offices.
   (d)   Laundromats/dry cleaning services.
   (e)   Government offices.
   (f)   Personal service establishments such as barber shops, beauty/nail shops and tanning facilities.
   (g)   Florists.
   (h)   Ice cream shops.
   (i)   Baked goods.
   (j)   Churches and places of religions worship.
   (k)   Funeral homes.
   (l)   Banks and financial institutions.
   (m)   Accessory buildings and uses customarily incidental to any permitted uses.
   (n)   Off-street parking lots.
   (o)   Mixed-use buildings (commercial on first floor, residential on upper floors).
   (p)   Multi-family dwellings/apartments.
(Ord. 2015-09. Passed 7-13-15.)