(a)   Maximum Building Height: No building shall be erected or enlarged to exceed thirty-five feet (35').
   (b)   Lot Area and Width: Every lot shall have a minimum width of 60 feet and a minimum lot area of not less than 10,000 square feet exclusive of road right-of-way.
   (c)   Setbacks and Yards (Principal Structure): for all lots of record see Chapter 1117.
(1)   Front yard: There shall be a front yard of not less than 40'.
(2)   Side yard: Side yards shall be not less than 5' on each side.
(3)   Rear yard: There shall be a rear yard of not less than 10'.
(4)   Corner lots: The principal building and its accessory structures shall have the same minimum setback distance from all street right-of-way lines as required for the front yard.
   (d)   Maximum Lot Occupancy: The maximum percentage of the total lot area which may be occupied by both the principal and accessory buildings shall be 30%.
   (e)   Parking Requirements: Parking Requirements shall be as regulated in Chapter 1118.
   (f)   Signs: Signs shall be as regulated in Chapter 1119.
   (g)   Dwelling Area: Dwellings or structures shall have a minimum area of living space by outside dimensions, exclusive of porches, garages, and cellars or basements as herein specified.
(1)   Single family dwellings with basement 1,200 square feet
(2)   Single family dwelling without basement: 1,300 square feet
(3)   Two family dwelling with basement 1,000 sq ft per unit
(4)   Two family dwelling without basement 1,100 sq ft per unit
(5)   Basements are not required for any single or two family dwelling. If a basement is included as part of the house plans, at the time of permitting, then a minimum square footage of 600 square feet of floor area shall be required for single family dwellings and 375 sq ft of floor area shall be required for each unit of a two family dwelling. Single and two family dwellings shall not be less than 24 feet in width and depth.
   (h)   The single and/or two family dwelling unit shall meet the requirements of the Board of Health with jurisdiction in the Village and/or those other authorities before being issued zoning permits.
   (i)   Accessory Uses or Structures: 
(1)   Location: all accessory uses or structures shall be located even with or behind the front of the principal structure within any side or rear yard, no closer than ten (10) feet from any side or rear lot line.
(2)   Permitted Area: The total area of all accessory uses or structures may not occupy more than 30% of the total rear yard area in residential districts, except for swimming pools which shall be exempted from these area regulations.
(3)   The maximum permitted size of an accessory building that is accessory to a residential use shall be determined by the provisions outlined in Chapter 1117.
   (j)   Conversion of Dwelling to More Units: A residence may not be converted to accommodate an increased number of dwelling units unless all of the following criteria are met:
(1)   The yard dimensions still meet the yard dimensions required for new structures in the zoning district;
(2)   The lot area per family equals the lot area requirements for new structures in this zoning district;
(3)   The floor area per dwelling unit is not reduced to less than that which is required for new construction in this zoning district; and
(4)   The conversion is in compliance with all other relevant codes for such structures.
         (Ord. 2015-09. Passed 7-13-15.)