This Zoning Code is adopted to promote and protect the public health, safety, convenience, comfort, prosperity and general welfare by regulating and limiting the use of land areas and buildings and the erection, restoration and alteration of buildings and the use thereof for residential, business and industrial purposes; to regulate the area and dimensions of land, yards and open spaces so as to secure adequate light, air and safety from fire and other dangers; to lessen or avoid congestion in the public streets; to regulate and restrict bulk, height, design, percent of lot occupancy and the location of buildings, to protect the character of the existing agricultural, residential, business, industrial, and institutional areas and to assure their orderly and beneficial development; to provide for the orderly growth and development of lands, and for such purposes, the Village of New London has divided the Village into the following zoning districts.
      R-1   Single Family Residential District
      R-2   Two Family Residential District
      R-3   Multi-Family Residential District
      MHP   Manufactured Home Park Residential District
      DBD   Downtown Business District
      C-3   General Commercial District
      M-1   Light Industrial District
      M-2   Heavy Industrial District
      PPOS   Public Parks and Open Space
(Ord. 2015-09. Passed 7-13-15.)