(a) Buildings. Before constructing, changing the use of, changing the physical shape of, or structurally altering any building, including accessory buildings, or changing the use of any premises, application shall be made to the Zoning Commissioner for a Zoning Permit. The Zoning Permit requirements shall not include interior remodeling if the type of use is not changed and shall not include the non-structural installation or replacement of a roof covering, the nonstructural installation or replacement of siding, or general exterior upkeep and maintenance. The application shall include the following information:
(1) A plot plan drawn to scale showing the exact dimensions of the lot to be built upon;
(2) The location, dimensions, height and bulk of structures to be erected;
(3) The intended use;
(4) The yard, open area and parking dimensions;
(5) Any other pertinent data as may be necessary to determine and provide for the enforcement of this Zoning Ordinance.
(b) Signs. Before construction or altering any sign or outdoor advertising device requiring a Zoning Permit, a Zoning Permit shall be secured.
(d) Time Limitation. Within ten days after receipt of application, the Zoning Commissioner shall issue a Zoning Permit if the application complies with the requirements of this Zoning Ordinance and the application is accompanied by the proper fee. For purposes of this subsection, the ten-day limitation shall begin from the time that the applicant has both (A) paid the necessary fees to the Fiscal Officer and (B) submitted a completed application to the Fiscal Officer or to the Zoning Inspector personally. An application which is submitted to the Fiscal Officer shall then be faxed or sent electronically to the Zoning Commissioner on receipt by the Fiscal Officer.
(e) Void Permits. The Zoning Permit shall become void six months after date of issuance unless construction is started. If no construction is started or use changed within six months of date of Permit, a new Permit is required upon application. Once a zoning permit has been issued and outstanding for a period of six months, if, at any time there, is no substantial progress being made in the completion of the project, the Zoning Commissioner may give written notice to the permit holder, whereupon, if thirty days passes without additional substantial progress in connection with the work, the Zoning Commissioner may declare the permit to have expired. A zoning permit shall automatically expire twelve months after any portion of the construction actually commences.
(Ord. 2015-09. Passed 7-13-15.)