1185.01   Street and road improvements.
1185.02   Construction of improvements.
1185.03   Protection of ditches.
1185.04   Storm drainage.
1185.05   Street and road name signs.
1185.06   Utilities.
1185.07   Monuments.
1185.08   Inspection.
Construction of improvements - see Ohio R.C. 711.101
    All improvements shall conform to the Ohio Department of Transportation Construction and Material Specifications, Ohio Environmental Protection Agency and City of New Lexington, Ohio unless stated otherwise. The minimum required street and road improvements as described in this section shall be installed by the subdivider subject to the approval of the City Engineer and shall include:
   (a)   Grade. Maximum percent of grade 10 percent and minimum of .4 percent. (Any greater shall have the permission of the Planning Commission).
   (b)   Pavement Types.
      (1)   Concrete street paving. All concrete pavement work for residential streets shall be done in accordance with and all materials shall meet the current State of Ohio Department of Transportation Construction and Materials Specifications for reinforced Portland cement concrete pavement Item 451 or plain Portland cement concrete pavement Item 452. Minimum thickness of concrete street pavement shall be six (6) inches for Item 451 and six (6) inches for Item 452.
      (2)   Bituminous concrete surface on aggregate base. The minimum pavement depth shall be not less than the equivalent of two (2) five (5) inch courses of 303 or 304 Aggregate Base and a surface of 2-1/2 inches of 404 Asphaltic Concrete or two (2) three and one-half (3-1/2) inch courses of 301 Bituminous Aggregate Base and a surface of two and one-half (2-1/2) inches of 404 Asphaltic Concrete. Surface materials shall be placed in two (2) courses and shall be the equivalent of two and one-half (2-1/2) inches of 404 Asphaltic Concrete. All work shall be done in accordance with, and all materials shall meet the current State of Ohio Department of Transportation Construction and Materials Specifications for: 411 Stabilized Crushed Aggregate Shoulders, 303 Waterbound Macadam Base Course, 304 Aggregate Base, 301 Bituminous Aggregate Base, 302 Asphalt Concrete, 408 Bituminous Prime Coat and 402, 403, 404 and 412 Asphalt Concrete. The 408 Bituminous Prime Coat is required on all 303 and 304 items at a rate of .5 gallon per sq. yd.
      (3)   Pavement material testing. All paving materials shall be tested at the developer's or contractor's expense. Samples shall be taken and tested from the material source, or material producer, prior to construction. During construction, samples of materials being used shall be taken and tested at every third station of each pavement lane and at other locations as the City Engineer may request. All testing shall be done by an approved testing laboratory and in accordance with current Ohio Department of Transportation testing practices for material approval for highways. Three (3) copies of the laboratory report for each sample shall be submitted to the City Engineer.
   (c)   Horizontal Curvature. Maximum horizontal curvature of 30 degrees with a minimum sight distance of 300 feet.
   (d)   Vertical Curvature. Minimum clear sight distance of 200 feet.
   (e)   Curbs and Gutters. Curbs and gutters shall be provided on both edges of all pavement and shall be cast in place, concrete and constructed in accordance with Item 609, Combination Curb and Gutter Type 2.
   Intersection Standards. All curbs at right-angle intersections shall have a minimum radius of twenty-five (25) feet measured to the back of the curb, except intersections involving arterial and collector streets, for which the City Engineer shall specify the radius. At intersections where the angle is other than ninety (90) degrees, the City Engineer shall specify the curb radius.
   Where sidewalks are interrupted by curbs at street intersections or other locations, curb ramps shall be constructed at each pedestrian crosswalk. Curb ramps shall have non-slip surface texture and the design shall be in accordance with ODOT Standard Construction Drawing BP-12.
   (f)   Roadway Crown. Roadway Crown shall be 3/16 inches per foot from centerline to edge of pavement.
   (g)   Guard Rail and Seeding, etc. The necessity of guard rail, seeding, type of backfill or other special conditions, shall be determined with the assistance of the City Engineer before completion of the construction plan.
   (h)   Width of Pavement. The width of pavement will vary, depending upon the character of the development served and the amount of traffic expected to utilize the street. The following are the minimum street pavement widths:
Primary roads, arterial highways and streets
Variable 20'-48' *
Collector streets as described in the Comprehensive Plan
38 feet
Local streets serving low-density suburban development of over two families per acre
28 feet
Industrial service roads and residential development of less than two families per acre
24 feet
   *   To conform to applicable cross sections of Major Highway Plan, as determined by Planning Commission and Engineer.
   (i)   Sidewalks. Concrete sidewalks are to be constructed and shall have a minimum width of four (4) feet and a minimum thickness of four (4) inches.
      (Ord. 82-16. Passed 4-19-82.)
   (a)   The subdivider has the option of constructing new streets and roads in accordance with the standards herein prescribed before the acceptance of the final plat, or he may post a performance bond guaranteeing the construction of the roads within two years of the acceptance of the final plat by the Planning Commission and City Council.
   (b)   The amount of the bond will be determined by the County Engineer who will base his estimate on the plans and profiles submitted by the Engineer.
(Ord. 82-16. Passed 4-19-82.)